Amazon’s leveraging their logistics might to seamlessly set up a promotional giveaway for any business

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1 min readMay 30, 2017

Imagine you want to set up a promotional giveaway marketing campaign for your business.

You would probably set up a landing page, capture customer details for business promotions — that is the easy part. The toughest part for any business is source the products, quality check, payments and the logistics and last mile delivery for that product.

Amazon has just made it so simple and easier to launch a promotional giveaway for any business. You visit any high selling product on, they have a subtle banner to help you set up a giveaway. It struck me the brilliance about the planning behind the banner, and using amazon’s logistics might to take care of everything from setting up your promo giveaway to sourcing the products, payments, and even the last mile delivery of those items, without leaving your office.

amazon giveaway for business promotions

Software is just not eating the world. It’s gobbling up everything it can lay its hands on! Amazon is a perfect example.



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