Difference in Indifference — Caste and Criticism

AtharavRaj Singh Yadav
AtharavRaj Singh Yadav
3 min readJul 27, 2020


As a boy, I’d observed the caste discrimination in my village. There were several aspects to it, but one considerable facet that I see was that, it was the act of dominance and power. There’s a ranking that endure in sociality and psychology that occurs alongwith it.

Image by MetsikGarden from Pixabay

The individuals who clean toilets, cut your hairs, repair your shoes, wash clothes, execute final rites at crematorium ground, caters as your housemaid and even expert craftspeople, were all labelled a lower caste in hierarchy. They did not get opportunity for education and were financially unsound. Most of them did not enjoy any patrimonial property to possess. The unlucky facet of it was that they’d their caste as congenital. One has to encounter huge counteraction inside one’s family and society to be able to identify a wicked and show it as it is. It’s very well obvious that without counteraction, there can’t be any considerable alters in the society.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

One of the prime contributors towards imposing caste system is, your last name or surname, that’s assumed to delineate your caste. Most of my friends are married to partner of same caste they pertaining to, just to have an equiponderant in the caste system’s hierarchy. One can evidently filter these facets by reading the last name. marrying a person regardless of their social order shall be the subsequent step in proper direction. Love go beyond all the frontiers of hatred and division.

Image by Kant Smith from Pixabay

Another facet which was formerly and presently vehement in rural areas is the act of untouchability. To be competent to get free from all misfortunes of caste system, it’s important that this tradition be eradicated and excoriated as a terrifying anecdote of spiritual unenlightenment. Wherever one witness it, directly or indirectly, in the shape of mental or physical, it should be reprobated and penalized by statute.

As George Washington Carver aforesaid, ‘Education is the latchkey to unbar the golden doors of freedom’. But regrettably in India, most of had handed the erroneous keys and as a result, they scramble to unbar the propitious gate of freedom.

In the end of 2020, its my request to everyone and particularly to the youngsters of India — that with our united endeavours, let us disburden India from the wicked of caste system.

AtharavRaj Yadav, Author, Conservationist, Cyber Security Expert

