How to Read One Book Per Week — Reading Hack

AtharavRaj Singh Yadav
AtharavRaj Singh Yadav
5 min readJul 7, 2020


Average CEO’s reads one book in a week. That’s around 52 books per year!

Ever since I’ve seen these stats, I have created a goal to read atleast one book a week. And when I begin with this, I was dilemma is, how will I read a book in a week?

Actually, It’s so easy once you knew it, how. So here’re top hacks which I personally applied that’ll assist you to read a new book per week. Hope, this may work for as well.


Image by Dariusz Sankowski from Pixabay

The billionaire investor Warren Buffett is also known to read 400 pages per day. Bill Gates reads one book per week.

So, How do they read extensively? Easy. they just prioritize.

If you wanna read more and more, then reading should have to become priority in life. If you do not prioritize reading, then Scrolling through FB, Insta and watching Netflix, YouTube all the time will always supersede.

We all have same amount of hours in a day. There isn’t any difference in time in a day amid you, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates. They just know to maximize their time efficiently than the others. If you do not prioritize reading, entire article will not help you much.


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To read one book in one week, you actually need to read atleast 40 pages of your book per day.

The reason behind this is, I think this seems to be a perfect goal as 40 pages isn’t too big goal to intimidate you.

When you start reading, provided that, you aren’t being disturbed by anything, you can probably read 40 pages in one hour. 40 pages may look small, but those 40 pages per day is quite enough to read a book per week.

Nevertheless, what’s coming entire day, try to read atleast 40 pages everyday. You will be quite surprised that how much this makes up day by day, Week by week and Month by month.


Never wait until you are “in the groove” to begin reading. This may fail as of how unforeseeable motivation is.

Alternatively, habitualize reading. Just do this by setting time aside for every day wherever you gonna sit and read, no matter what read. As of my habit, I love to read for 4 hours every morning and aggregate of 10–12 hours everyday.

At the time of commencement, this was not an easy move. New habits takes time. But when you endeavor to add discipline on yourself, in terms of reading at a specific time everyday, then even you sometimes feel like giving-up the reading, still, this’ll guide you to get-set-go on your daily reading track. And habitualizing reading will guide you do more and more of it & do it with ease.


If you attempt to read at the time you are exhausted, always you will end-up sleeping within few first pages.

Consequently, you do not want to be on stand-by until the day ends to begin reading. Rather, read early in the day as possible as your mind will be fresh and functioning.


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The simplest path to turn something into a habit is to abolish friction. As soon as you reach home from work, you should not wait for the time to decide on to read something or look for paperback you commenced on previous flight. Decide what you wanna read and place it where you always spend your leisure or relaxation time.


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If I am reading something which is complex, in mornings, for instance, I realize that it is supplementary leisure to read something which is easier, in evenings.

If you get into boredom easily. Instead of thinking for a break which will be of an extended period of time, you should opt to just stay there, take another book which’s completely irrelevant from the subject you’re reading now.

Doing this will keep you engaged in reading and make you more productive in terms of reading extensive.


Photo by Esther Muñoz Trilla from Pexels

Don’t fall into reading potholes, whenever you experience pressure to read something trendy, either recommended by friends or colleagues. For many peoples, trendy may meant to be the India’s Best Selling mysteries or latest novels. In any case, it is fine to read around four books that genuinely you’ve interest in and nobody else had, than to throw-away a month struggling on a single book which your friends or colleagues might ask you about it, at your office luncheon or in a dinner party.


Photo by Muhammad Rifki Adiyanto from Pexels

If you wanna read a book per week, then I’d suggest you betray to other peoples that, you gonna read one book in a week.

We feel Okay in term of disappointing ourselves, but we won’t feel good with disappointing the others.

So just by betraying your weekly goals to other people, will provide you more motivation to actually shoot your goals on-time.


Image by Lubos Houska from Pixabay

I find that whenever I do not have any extensive list of the books which I wanna read, I don’t feel motivated to complete the book which I’m at-present reading.

So, When you’ve a wishlist of books to read, you will always be motivated to take next book, instead of lying into a non-reading phase in which you are waiting or looking for the next perfect book to be placed infront of you.

