‘Kill Me Until You’re Dead’, the Voice of Mother Earth — Wildlife Conservation

AtharavRaj Singh Yadav
AtharavRaj Singh Yadav
3 min readAug 31, 2020


Photo by Belle Co from Pexels

Wildlife is a priceless gift of almighty to the earth. The word ‘Wildlife’ not only denotes to wild animals but it also involves all untamed lifeforms comprising of plants, insects, fungi, microscopic organisms and birds. For preserving a sound balance of ecology, plants, animals and marine species are as significant as humankind. A single organism on this planet has a special position in the food chain that conduce to ecosystem in its unique way. But, unfortunately today, there are many birds and animals confronting the risk of extinction. The naturalistic habitation of animals and plants are being devastated for land and agrarian advancement. Hunting and Poaching of animals for making leather, jewellery, fur and meat are other large aspects contributing to extinction of wildlife. If soon, no rigorous actions are initiated to conserve wildlife, it’d be no longer when they’ll get a place only in the register of extinct species. And wouldn’t be all! Wildlife species extinction will definitely have a disastrous effect on humankind as well. So, for us, as human beings, it becomes a considerable accountability to conserve the wildlife and mother earth.

Image by Amanda Sowers from Pixabay

Conserving a wildlife helps to maintain a healthy ecosystem. Even if single species of wildlife gets extinct from ecosystem, it may interrupt the entire food chain eventually steering towards destructive outcomes. For instance, imagine if bees get extinct, the augmentation of food crops would absolutely lower because of deficiency of pollination. Thus, conserving wildlife performs an essential role in ascertaining a check on the ecological equilibrium thereby, preserving a sound ecosystem. Also, large number of plant and animal species are utilised to aid humankind in one aspect or the other.

Several medicaments like Penicillin, Vincristine, Morphine and Aspirin have been originated from plants which’re uncultivated. If we speak about the Ayurveda, a primitive medicative system, it has been utilising the juices and extracts from several herbs and plants to medicate maladies such as Diabetes, Blood Pressure and other diverse diseases since ages.
In financial terms, Wildlife plays an indispensable role in ameliorating the nations economy, by inviting tourists from across the earth to witness and enjoy wildlife tours and safaris. Forests and wildlife reserves greatly conduce to inflow of foreign exchange, which results in augmenting the GDP of the nation.

Illegal Poaching and Assassinating wild animals, Wildlife trading and trafficking, are all a catastrophic impact, which every of us needs to comprehend now. And it is not an accountability of any individual to conserve wildlife, it is a united effort that every individual requires to be a share of it. The authorities of wildlife should come forward with rigorous planning to diminish human interventions in the core zone of forest reserves and efficacious tourism protocols should be initiated so that illicit activities can be efficaciously controlled.

Also, for us as individuals, we must commence working towards initiating minor steps from our houses; minimize usage of electronic items like Air conditioners which influence global warming, pool transport for travelling so there’s less inflict to ozone layer and reduction in pollution as well, and save water.

Bmantha / CC BY-SA

If we commence contributing efforts to the nature and environment, it’d be back to us for our benign in forthcomings.

