Lessons to Learn from East India Company (EIC)

AtharavRaj Singh Yadav
AtharavRaj Singh Yadav
3 min readAug 13, 2020


Francis Hayman / Public domain

East India Company was an English, and a British Joint Stock Corporation. It was established to merchandize in the Indian Subcontinent and India Ocean stretch, primarily with East Indies (i.e. India & South-East Asia) & preceding with the Qing. The company concluded with seizure of control on the major stretches of hegemonized stretches of Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent and Hong Kong succeeding the Initial Opium War & sustained the trading colonies and posts in the Middle-East Gulf known as ‘Persian Gulf Residencies’.

What can we comprehend from the East India Company’s unscrupulous voyages or adventures?

The lessons we can comprehend from the part of East Indian Company, We’ll better understand the prime reasons why India surrendered to British rule.

There’re some reasons for India descending to the English strategem are:

Ernest Wallcousins (1883–1976) / Public domain

THE DIVIDE & RULE POLICY: By itself, the policy wouldn’t have been very victorious, but was profitable with the association of Indian emperors greed to acquire more and more territories and many more such things.

The inexperience of Indian rulers with regards to the contemporaneous occurances of that time, globally, like American civilian war, French Revolution, and so on. Some of them certainly didn’t notice who their rivals was and were dazzled with the notion that Britishers were their companion. If they’d have well-known regarding the English Colonies outside the India & How they conquered, then the situation would have been contrasting.

The incomprehension of our own Heritage and History. This was the defeat of the Indians, after the India was defeated by Britishers. The Indians were quite fascinated by the Britishers that they were confined to be the subjects of the robust British Empire. If the head of the states of that time had intelligible cognizance of Indian History, they’d have not welcomed this, such as a FATE.

William John Huggins / CC BY-SA

Ultimately the crucial point we can comprehend is,

“No civilization can reside in the state of stagnation forever. India was standing on the edge of stagnation when English set foot in the Indian Subcontinent for trading, which distintly indicated the deficiency in the Indian structure to the Britishers. It’s only for a finer root, we were ill-fated to be the part of the English rule for two centenaries, which evolved initiatory, feeling for the Nation and transformed India into a Modern Nation. “

