Lessons to learn from Shri Krishna

AtharavRaj Singh Yadav
AtharavRaj Singh Yadav
5 min readFeb 15, 2021


Practically anyone who read Mahabharata grasps how crucial a character Lord Krishna is.

A whole volume has been transcribed on teaching as he & Arjuna involved in “Dharma Yuddh” or holy war with Kauravas, and appears to be most famous record in India: The Bhagavad Gita

While dialogue amidst Arjuna (greatest archer) and Shri Krishna is in connection of battle, Krishna had several teachings, can be efficiently used to our everyday lives.

So, with no extra ado, here’re 15 lessons that we should all acquire from Shri Krishna:

Lesson #1: Never giveup on anything you love

Krishna had profound love for flute & he never quit playing it simply coz of his promises. Even at moments of battle it was with him.

Passions and Hobbies can inhale new spirit into us when we are confounded.

Lesson #2: Doing of assistance to our fellowmen

There’re events when Krishna protected people of Vrindavan from being killed. While people might haven’t been dear to him, still he was moved to doing of service.

No matter, doing of service to humanity is acknowledged as doing of service to the God.

Lesson #3: Unconditional, Selfless love is a key

Not only did he praise those that hurt him but he further followed unconditional love while offering awareness (mukti) to his adherents. His Life was all on heavenly love.

This’s something that we can understand and follow in our lives.

Lesson #4: Taking One Day at a Time

Shri Krishna was mindful of the tomorrow but preferred to live in moment by not bothering. Yet if he identified what going to occur, he nevertheless took 1 day at a moment.

It is simple to get bog down by challenging situations, but sojourning attentive and present can turn things much simpler.

Lesson #5: Guide people alter with your spiritual wisdom

At a point, lord Indra was hurt by those revering Shri Krishna & endeavored to finish them. But Shri Krishna meddled and protected them. Noticing his folly, Lord Indra begged mercy, and Shri Krishna provided it.

Everyone makes blunders, sometimes disastrous ones. Do not be doormat, just give time for others to turn. They might overwhelm you.

Lesson #6: Stay simple no affair what

Indeed if he was God of all cosmos, still he was simple and bestowed honor to his seniors whether his parents/educators. He was forever excited to wish them. Coz of this, people were prepared to aid him wherever he moved.

Give respect to all, and they’ll show honor to you.

Lesson #7: Shri Krishna grinned always

Straight from birth, Shri Krishna faced lot of difficulties. Yet he bartered with everyone, with grin on face. He was relishing life of eternal bliss. It is seemingly the easiest teaching of all.

Joy emanates from inside — your circumstances do not describe you.

Lesson #8: Generosity was his middle name

When Shri Krishna’s companion Sudama gave him rice, Krishna received the present with glorious happiness. Sudama’s spouse had to request to get this reward. In repayment, he changed Sudama’s home into gold by streams of expensive marbles and other jewels flowing smoothly into his house.

Give willingly, and luck will grin upon you.

Lesson #9: Done his duties diligently

Indeed if he was God of Cosmos, he yet never evaded from his responsibilities. Notwithstanding relishing a Life loaded with obstacles, he never quit performing them.

At the time, it came to satisfying all his adherents, he found several forms to visit to all of his followers at same time if want and for that, he’s recalled even today.

Give liberally and satisfy your responsibilities, and people’ll never ignore you.

Lesson #10: He didn’t discriminate people on their stature or upbringing

It didn’t mean whether it was gopikas, cowherd community, or a even learned guys, he ensured that they were handled fairly. Also, He handled animals with exceptional kindness.

Religiously talking, there is not any distinction amid anyone. We’re all in unity.

Lesson #11: Admired his friendships

As discussed earlier, the form he treated Sudama, childhood buddy, revealed how greatly he admired attachments. Aloof from this, he too did not discriminate amid rich or poor colleagues.

Lifetime friendships are formed upon honor and love. Deal others the way and you’ll continually be encircled by love and giggling.

Lesson #12: Did his work in special to his parents

As a kid, Shri Krishna’s parents were arrested by a sinister King. When he grew into man, he beat the king and freed his parents. So, One must nevermore neglect their parents particularly as they grow. No concern what, he fulfilled his obligation towards them.

The Parents devote a lot to grow children…supporting them in oldage is a wonderful way of stating thankyou.

Lesson #13: Persisted calm and cool

Despite of being in several obnoxious situations completely in his Life, Shri Krishna constantly stayed cool and calm.

There was nevermore a moment he panicked. We can actually learn that from Krishna as we travel by ups & downs in the life.

Lesson #14: An astute tactician

When Kauravs challenged Pandavas, he understood that following would not hold a bet against great Kaurav troops. Furthermore, he too recognized the corrupt Kauravas would not’ve a difficulty breaking laws. So in reply, he did change the laws but not demolish them whenever confronted with an ‘illegal’ state.

Be informed of your condition, and be realistic. Sometimes you’ve to imagine outside box.

Lesson #15: Braced dharma

Entire ‘Dharma Yuddh’, he waited by team of Pandavas and put them secure until termination of battle. Furthermore, he was personality to hide Draupadi with saree at times she was undressed. He supported Dharma when demand for it rose completely in his Life.

Do the valid thing, yet if it is challenging! This’s teaching and definition of Dharma.


As you can perceive, these teachings have been extracted from various times of his life. Thus, it should be clear to perceive that his whole Life was relished virtuously yet if there is no ambiguity that he was supreme epitome of love.

Having stated that, are there more lessons that can be learned from Shri Krishna’s Life? If yes, then be free to share it in comments below.

