Significance of Applying Vibhuti or Bhasma in Hinduism

AtharavRaj Singh Yadav
AtharavRaj Singh Yadav
5 min readJul 28, 2020


What Is Vibhuti or Bhasma?

Vibhuti (in Sanskrit: विभूति; vibhūti), additionally termed as Bhasma (ash), Thiruneeruand Vibhooti, is a term that has different definitions in Hinduism. Usually, it’s applied to signify the divine ash which’s created of burnt withered timber in Āgamic rites.

“Om Namah Shivaya, Om Namah Shivaya” is few words hymned by the Sages, Pundits & your gurus. These’re mantras that’re hummed to request Lord Shiva for blessings. When one speaks the name Lord Shiva, it intuitively recalls him/her of the Tripundra; a representation formed of three horizontal lines that Shiva embellished on his forehead. While the globe extends to admire God with all his pupils, an enigma is compelled to remain in the memory of inquisitive followers, “ Why these three ash lines applied on the forehead?” It is a query that can also arise from the regular visits to the temple, where one can quite quickly find many sages displaying the ‘Tripundra’.

Photo by Animesh Bhattarai on Unsplash

There’re several tales back the concept of applying ash on the body but there is one entirely conformed to the philosophy behind it. It is assumed that the sacred ash also termed ‘vibhuti’ or ‘bhasma’ defends people against all satanic energies. Ash is a thing that’s taken solely when things are entirely fired off. This symbolizes that the ash ignites the believer’s vitality and pardons him. As per the Indian inscriptions, bhasma implies ‘‘that by which our errors are slaughtered & the Lord is revived’’, this, in a shift, implies its formation in the devotion of Lord Shiva. Appending to that a shiva lingam that’s applied with the sacred ash is a popular view at temples. Therefore, to confer one’s honor to Lord Shiva, he or she who discards worldly customs & the personality who totally denies materialistic fulfillment convert to a follower & can apply ash on his forehead.

There’re five pious titles assigned to the ash of ‘homa’, the divine flame. The titles ‘vibhuti’ & ‘bhasma’ that's widely quoted in this part also have a belief behind them. As the holy ash is assumed to blaze the sins to ashes & provide knowledge to all its termed ‘bhasma’ or the‘bhasmam’. Furthermore, its title increases the religious energy of a person & so the title ‘vibhuti’.

Science has its purpose to assume that vibhuti has therapeutic benefits attributed to its title too. It’s practiced in numerous Ayurvedic medications and stops headaches & cold. Not over now, Bhasma is also coalesced with other medications to extend its performance.

The original uploader was Jagadeeswarann99 at Tamil Wikipedia. / GFDL

Finally, a ‘Tripundra’ is able to present if one consciously recollects to observe the significance behind its living and attempts to live by it. By unawareness of the fact that relies on it, these representations are blank but social identifications.

Significance Of Bhasm or Vibhuti

  • It boosts positive energy. The essence, the act of employing it, the hymn before it, everything raises the actual energy.
  • Utilizing eternal ash blocks headaches. It inhibits allergies on skin particularly if it’s prepared with various herbs.
  • Using sacred ash is assumed to control all seven chakras in body which’s the foundation for sound health.
  • Thiruneer also stops cold & is pretty good for blocking all cold-related headaches.
  • It constantly stresses on the impermanence of our lives.
  • Employing it on forehead is assumed to block cold.
  • Inciting the space among the eyebrows can truly have added influence too. It can unblock the sinuses. It may also limit nose-block too. When you employ vibhuti frequently on the forehead, the space gets animated.

Why does Lord Shiva apply Vibhuti over his body?

Christopher Michel / CC BY

Amongst the different sagas/tales connected with Vibhuti or Bhasma, belongs to Shiva Purana which describes the legend of Lord Shiva’s consort, an incarnation of Adishakti, who sacrificed herself in flame. Shiva upon listening this was puzzled by emotions. With dead body of Sati, in anger, the Lord Shiva traveled all the three Lokas, Heaven, Earth & the underworld. Lord Vishnu witnessing Lord Shiva in this phase of Tandava & torment attained Sati’s body which promptly converted into ash. Shiva, on losing his consort’s body, in a phase of pain, loss, in rage, desiring to get Sati a portion of himself applied the ash on his body & considering that time Lord Shiva is assumed to cover the ash on his body.

How to Apply Vibhuti?

Pierre-Emmanuel BOITON / CC BY-SA

There’re several methods that are obeyed to use Vibhuti (Bhasma). The most popular is the Tripundra which’re three horizontal stripes or lines on forehead, which stretch till the edge of the eyebrows. Tripundra is a Shaivite tilaka that origins from the South India. The initial strip denotes for elimination of ahankaar (ego) the subsequent implies for elimination of ignorance & the third one stands for elimination of bad karma (deeds).

