The Rudest Book Ever by Shwetabh Gangwar — Book Summary

AtharavRaj Singh Yadav
AtharavRaj Singh Yadav
5 min readJul 8, 2020


You feel awkward to read this, but reality is “you’re a product”, with whom your friends, family, relatives and you, have a hope that you will educate yourself and be a good person and make everyone happy and will change the world. But maximum time in ground reality, this hope remains a hope and never be able to get into real world. In authors word, we fail to become a great way with whom such a big hope was reposed.

One of the biggest reasons of this area is, we don’t know how to think. We never taught what and how to think, what ideas or believes to follow, what’s right or wrong, but we never taught how to think because thinking or thoughts decides the successful future or failure. Well this is our parents task to teach us on thinking on right direction, but maximum parents didn’t know how to think. But Shwetabh Gangwar will endeavour to teach us with this book


Go back in past and try to think about any of your rejection, rejection in job interviews, no replies while chatting rejection or requesting someone and getting no as an answer. Rejection of multifarious types comes to your life at different point of time and whenever it comes, it gives common thing, that is pain because we don’t like to be rejected. So, learn to deal with it by understanding the concept of thinking.

Suppose a tiger comes in front of you, What you will do? You will run away but if a panda comes in front of you then you will not run or maybe you will try to play with him because for lion and Panda there is a certain perceptions formed in our mind like lion means danger and panda means cute, cuddly animal. And this perception will give rise to expectation, like you expect from a lion that he’ll will eat, you can expect a panda that he will not eat you.

Similarly, when you see other people’s you may expect that people are stupid, selfish and untrustworthy but deep down you know most probably this isn’t true. If we see a small level example of this, would be boxing. You will notice that boxers will hit each other and knock out, but after the match they shake hands, with the sign of showing respect.

So author says, Start pretending everyone is weird because today weird seems to be the most fantastic world which we will help you to stay neutral and keep you away from being sad or heartbroken. Another strong reason to call other people ‘weird’, is the data. You are having a data of tiger, that predator has no empathy and can kill anyone for food. This could be a perception or expectation which was created on the basis of data. We have got this data from schools or from our parents or elder. But in terms of people we try to assume things as we don’t have the data. So, be neutral by saying that people are weird because you don’t have the data


Image by Mabel Amber from Pixabay

SELF WORTH — Try to understand yourself (the tendencies, wants and desires), which can harm you. Hence, to protect yourself from the self-harm of bad wants, tendencies, you try to change your habits and that is known as ‘Self Control’. The outcomes of this will be life changing, as of then you will be able to increase your self respect, self-esteem and worth

NATION — Imagine if you are not a human and an entire country and neighbouring countries as your friends and family. If you will have a good relations everything will be fine. The moral code and rules will be your constitution and breaking it will not be right for you.

Self control, as your security force which help to follow your moral code. Self-respect as your happiness index and will be based at the time when your constitution will be followed properly. Bad desire and tendencies will be your terrorist or enemy, which can harm you.

Your ego will be opposition party, which will praise you every time but never allow you to become best.

MESSAGE — Never allow your ego to over-power you. Don’t allow others to control, Be the Authority.


Shwetabh says, “First Impression must be always best, isn’t true”.

Author says, Instead of blindly following any personality or judging someone as good or bad. Examine that are you having enough data for that and instead of judging the peoples/personalities, try to judge their actions, as it will be a data for you.


Children are very inquisitive in nature and asks questions to their parents. So similarly, If you want to be a great thinker, great leader, great person or want to learn to think good, always ask questions.

Before blindly believing, Ask questions and try to collect the data as much as possible. Also try to be open-minded and understand everything with logical thinking instead of using emotions, as it will help you Grow and Improve to make successful.

