Why there is an Urge to Legalise Marijuana in India?

AtharavRaj Singh Yadav
AtharavRaj Singh Yadav
5 min readAug 31, 2020


Cannabis is the most generally used prohibited drug in the world with an expected 125 million people using it in some mode or the other every year. In India, cannabis usage has been historically connected to faith & mysticism. It is assumed to be a medication that stimulates the user to achieve “ecstasy in the real sense of the world”. India has consumed & praised Hash (charas), bhang & weed for centenaries.

However, the implementation of rigorous narcotic statutes made in 1986 the selling, usage, production & shipping of marijuana prohibited in the nation. India.

Eradicate illicit trade & associate crimes

Cannabis legalization will displace the black market generation and shipping with an ‘overboard business’. There’ll be laws and directions but the business will be ‘governed by the government, growers, traders and retails salesmen, not by sinners or drug sellers’.

Cannabis obsession is rare

Epidemiological research revealed that only 9% of those who consume marijuana gets clinically addicted to it. The ‘comparable prices’ for tobacco, liquor & cocaine reached at 32 percent, 15 percent & 16 percent respectively.

Taxing cannabis will boost the government’s revenue

By authorizing and assessing cannabis, the government will attain to make huge amounts of wealth that’ll otherwise move to the Italian & Israeli drugcartels. In a public letter to US President George Bush, about 500 statisticians, headed by Nobel Prize victor Milton Friedman, asked for cannabis to be “licit but taxed & controlled like other goods”.

Job Opportunities creation

The legalization of cannabis for recreational and medicinal ends in Colorado has generated 10,000 further jobs in the field. There’re plenty of jobs that can be generated by the cannabis business and further diminish India’s unemployment percentage.

Marijuana Use as medicinal gains

Marijuana can aid relieve symptoms correlated with many wellness. It’s directed by doctors throughout the globe to sufferers with nausea. It can benefit patients with HIV/AIDS to defeat a weak appetite. THC is perceived to ease muscle stress, contractions, and better manage chronic illness. Other therapeutic gains of marijuana constitute:

  • Cannabinoids may treat cancer cells from growing
  • Research uncovered that cannabis use can improve curb epileptic spasms
  • Aids alleviate illness in various sclerosis
  • Endo-CBD mixtures in marijuana can aid ease distress symptoms
  • Aid relieve symptoms for patients with Parkinson’s disease
  • Assist enhance cognitive performance & attention in patients with ADHD/ADD
  • EndoCBD includes anti-inflammatories that's associated to combat the brain infection that produces Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Aid cope with the pain allied with arthritis
  • Aids with Crohn’s Disease
  • Aid mitigate indications of Dravet syndrome
  • Cannabis has a relaxing influence on the users. It assists handle mood & can be practiced for treating children with autism.

Support the locals

In areas like Himachal Pradesh & Tamil Nadu, where marijuana plants cultivate, it’s the single source of revenue for several locals. Still, being a forbidden thing, the producers are obliged to trade it at a pretty low price to the drug sellers & they suffer extra stress from the cops as well, who’re compensated to slaughter the cannabis cultivation. Authorizing marijuana will stop this ‘fight on drugs’ aiming our own citizens.

Legalization will assure that sound quality cannabis is traded

In India, traders often blend hash & weed with substances or another drugs like Afeeem to enhance the drive, color, form, or ‘high’ of the material. Authorizing will enhance the quality of cannabis traded to the consumers because the government will monitor the production & trade of the drug.

THC has restricted withdrawal indications and its usage can’t be deadly

“I have listened you’ve to smoke around like 15,000 joints in 20 mins to get a deadly volume of delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol,” states Dr. Paul Hornby, a biochemist & human pathologist. “I dare anybody to do this.” Not just is it practically impracticable to overdose on cannabis, the consumers confront simple withdrawal indications after using it.

Ban has failed to regulate the usage & domestic product of marijuana

It’s stated that 40,000 kilograms of opium and 60,000 kilograms of hash is generated in the state of Himachal Pradesh. From that, solely 500 kilograms are captured yearly. As per the reports, “morethan 1,600 hectares of arable farm land & a further 500 hectares of illegally public jungles are presently under marijuana farming”. The price is only growing. Furthermore, these days, it’s rather easy to get cannabis in India & its consumption is popular amongst the juvenility. So it’s just to state that ban has failed to control the ‘enigma’.

THC is less dangerous than alcohol

Cannabis consumption was never observed as a socially aberrant action any more than consuming alcohol was. In point, putting it right was believed to be as an ‘enlightened outlook’. It’s now medically confirmed that cannabis is less deadly than alcohol. Unlike alcohol addicts, stoners do not get in reckless driving or brutal fights. They favor being calm & relaxing under the impact of cannabis.

