Evolution vs. Creationism — A Primer

What the theory of evolution actually says and why creationist arguments get it wrong so often

Traverse Davies
Published in
11 min readDec 16, 2019


Image copyright the author

Why Evolution in an Atheist Publication

Right off the bat, you don’t need to accept the evidence for evolution to be an atheist and there are many religions who do accept evolution, most famously the Catholic church which believes that evolution is the mechanism God uses to create diversity in life.

So, why am I writing about evolution here? Well, because that seems to be one of the things the religious right like to bring up in opposition to atheism.

What This is About

My plan with this article is to cover what the theory of evolution via natural selection does and doesn’t cover and what it actually says. Of course, this is going to be a thousand-foot overview, not a detailed explanation. To give you every subtlety and piece of supporting evidence I would have to fill many, many volumes.

The Theory

So, what does that theory of evolution (technically it’s the theory of evolution via natural selection) actually describe and say?

In a nutshell: Animals with traits that are good for surviving in a given…



Traverse Davies

I do survival, self-publishing consultation, and writing. Check out my blog: https://dreamtime.logic11.com