It is time to grow up, let’s stop trusting in God

Giorgio Di Falco
14 min readJul 9, 2020

Believing today is a sure recipe for disaster

Wonderful photo by Andrew Seaman on Unsplash

It is not my job: I am not a philosopher, nor a psychologist, let alone a theologian. But it is time for an ordinary man like me to have his say. We must stop being children and become adults, we, our country, all humankind.

Let us take our responsibilities and stop behaving as if any supernatural entity is in charge of our destiny and the world’s fate.

Let’s face it: God does not exist or, if God exists, He is not here and perhaps He does not even know of our existence. For sure, He does not resemble the One we believe in, since that One is our invention.

My humble opinion is that He doesn’t exist, period. This is not something I can prove, but I wonder why not everyone knows it or at least suspects it.
Why doesn’t everyone realise that nothing in the world is a manifestation of God? God does not intervene in history, He is not the cause of our misfortunes and fortunes, of our greatness and meanness.

Even if you don’t share my belief, you should behave as if God did not exist, that is, as a responsible adult. Because history shows that nobody will come to save us, our children and our world if we don’t do it ourselves. If we don’t understand it now, during a pandemic, we will never…

