the illusion of duality

a rant about life, death, heaven and hell.

2 min readFeb 13, 2014

I don’t believe in God and I’m not Atheist. I’m not agnostic either because I don’t believe God is unknowable. Perhaps it’s better to clarify: It’s not that I don’t believe in God; it’s that I don’t believe in the myth that God has become.

Surely, I can’t be the only person who sees a problem arising when a well-intended individual tries to shove their idea of God in a box and wrap it up tight with a bow so it stays together and looks pretty.

I believe “God” and the “Devil” are a myth—an idea—something to explain “good” and “bad.” Religion aims to reach a state of transcendence, to help an individual feel connected to and part of God—all which is good; all that comes from within. The idea of the Devil, Satan or the Adversary is a belief that explains that which is bad, and it pacifies and helps us distance ourselves from It—as if It were something external to ourselves.

The truth is that both God and the Devil are natives of our soul. For it is we who create our reality, develop reason for the unexplainable, and give purpose to an otherwise meaningless existence. But to believe that God and Devil are separate from us is to do ourselves an injustice—a cancer-causing complacency and ignorant passivity. To become open to the possibility of this truth is to emancipate our consciousness and become active agents of life [and death].

It has been argued that life, without death, loses all meaning.

I agree that the mystery of death does create a sense of urgency and a sense of duty to humankind. Yet I further comprehend that life and death are not contradictory, but rather complementary parts of a singular concept. There is no night without day, joy without sadness, triumph without regret, pain without pleasure, success without failure. A transcendental understanding occurs when two corresponding halves are appreciated as one whole.

Everything has its opposite that complements and defines the other—it is the balance of mathematics, the harmony of music. It’s heaven and hell, and it’s all here…right now. As we become observers of our personal experience, we come to realize that we will find purpose and satisfaction, not in seeking the meaning of life, but rather in seeking the answer to each question that life asks.

That all being said…

I understand why people believe in god. It is of comfort to know that, when no one else does, someone sees you, “gets” you, knows you are trying with all the vigor of your soul…you are trying. I understand why people believe in god.




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