Are you dimming your light? A Call to Action for Emerging Women Leaders.

Kiki Federico
Athena Talks
Published in
5 min readMar 18, 2016

There is a light in you. Are you dimming your light?

We live in a world lost from the light within. Disconnected, we try to cover it up, manipulate it, over-focus on our physical form. We worry about getting it right, fear what will happen, let our mental distractions and anxieties get in the way.

But there is something deeper within you that wants to shine through — your unique essence, the imprint of life in you that is like no other.

There is no job description or profile it can fit into. The form it takes is always changing and evolving with your unique combination of experience and gifts.

If you feel you heart calling you in a certain direction — even if it doesn’t make rational, financial, logistical “sense” — NOW is the time to LISTEN.

There is a light in you. Are you dimming your light?

There are consequences when you don’t listen to your instinct — your soul calling you home… calling you forth. When you ignore creative impulses, those ideas get passed through the collective consciousness onto someone else who is willing to bring them to life.

When you dim your light, when you are not sharing your gifts, you are not following your path. You feel lost because you are disconnected from your sacred purpose. When you are hiding your truth — your brilliance — it manifests in different forms of addiction, escaping, distraction, codependent relationships, anxiety, depression, obsessive thoughts, overeating, restricting, overexercising, overworking, drugs, alcohol, partying, shopping, vegging out to TV…

You will feel the inner emptiness and attempt to fill it up with whatever you can. And it will never be enough.

There is a light in you. Are you dimming your light?

I know there are women out there who are hungry for “more” — a deeper, more meaningful connection to themselves, their work, their relationships… to life itself.

I know from experience and from the undeniable movements that are underway, how critical it is for us to come together and support one another during this awakening. We learn through relationship, and our power is amplified in the collective.

The old paradigm of figuring it out all on your own is falling away. Women are returning to the wisdom of the feminine and sisterhood.

This shift is real, and it is demanding that we come out of hiding and let our light be seen. It’s demanding that we lead with our vulnerable authenticity because it is real. This is how we BE the change.

Life is not given to you to play pretend, to be who you think you should be… to struggle in secret and in silence.

There is a light in you. Are you dimming your light?

The driving forces of our 160-character, sound-bite, us-vs-them culture would rather put us in boxes at the ends of two extremes.

On one end, distorting us into hyper-masculine career women with an over-valued intellect and addiction to control, and on the other, diminishing us into objectified versions of ourselves, helpless, hyper-sexualized and waiting for our hero.

These images and archetypes have been used to tell the story of women, and we have adopted a view ourselves through the lens of society — a male lens — that leaves us feeling unworthy and insecure, so that we keep striving to prove our worth, buying to feel beautiful and compromising ourselves to belong.

We need women who feel “the call” to also feel the confidence and courage to lead with their hearts, their truth, to embody their femininity, their focus, their feelings, their assertiveness and their softness.

We need women who refuse to go along with the status quo, who refuse to perpetuate the same social norms that have been keeping us playing small, playing by the old rules and competing with each other.

We need women who don’t buy into the idea that “this is just the way it is.”

The stakes are too high for us to ignore the signals from our body, the way we feel in our gut, that something is off, that something is missing, that there must be a better way.

There is a light in you. Are you dimming your light?

We stand at a moment in history when we can write a new story. Never before have we had access to this much information. Never before have we had this much power as an individual — let alone when a vision is shared by a collective.

When you rewrite your own story, you rewrite the story for ALL women.

You do not need to sacrifice your femininity, your health, your family or your spirit to get ahead. You do not need to play along, play the part or portray an image to be successful or likable. You have a choice — to keep playing the game and perpetuating the stereotypes, quietly flying under the radar, not ruffling any feathers’s, doing what feels safe.

Or, you can take a stand for yourself, your future, your well-being, your full potential — the fulfillment that can only be felt when you live bravely as your true self. And when you do this, you take a stand for all women who have been silently sacrificing their voice, their vision, their creative ideas — their power of their spirit — to get ahead.

Know that you are not alone. Together, women are collectively remembering, waking up, sharing their stories and wisdom with one another in small circles, online, in private rooms and public conferences.

The desires, the love, the power in our hearts is no longer a secret. We have come to shine our light.

There is a light in you. Have YOU come to shine your light?

This is how we will challenge and disrupt the status quo with fierce grace. What we know to be true and just, a Knowing deep in our bones cannot be erased. We have come to claim our birthrights —to feel alive, to be fully expressed in our sensuality and our intellect, to be in community, to create — to live a life of passion, purpose and pleasure.

We are the new leaders. We are the creators of a new way.

There is a light in you.

Don’t down downplay your brilliance.

Please connect with Kiki at

