Explain It For Me
Athena Talks
Published in
1 min readApr 16, 2015


Equal Pay Day Falls on the Same Day as Twitter Hates Women Day

Yesterday, April 14, was Equal Pay Day, representing how far into 2015 women have to work to make as much as their male counterparts.

I’ve never understood why this has become such a politically polarizing issue in America. I guess because Barack Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, and the right hates Obama, and so the right refuses to accept the wage gap?

I’ve seen the 78% pay gap referred to as a “myth” and a “left-wing lie,” but never in these editorials does anyone offer any substantive evidence to the contrary. Meantime, this happened on Twitter:

Maybe that’s the problem! The right thinks that the #EqualPayDay argument suggests that every woman, regardless of industry, accomplishments, and career level, wants to make the same amount of money as the very richest men?

That’s not really what it’s about at all, Julie. Do I need to explain it for you?

Again with the engineers. You know, engineers don’t make as much as most investment bankers, And again with the false analogy. Maybe republicans on Twitter just don’t understand the word comparable as applied to careers?

And then there’s the Libertarian Boy Wonder:

It’s going to be a long 18 months.


Comparable: used to say that two or more things are very similar and can be compared to each other

Clueless tool: Well.

Pay Gap.

