Females And Finance

The Persistent Patriarchy Prototype

Nupoor Raj
Athena Talks
4 min readSep 2, 2018


Would you offer to pay when you go on a movie spree with a male friend?

I do.

But I know of tonnes other who would love to get their bills paid by the male.

That was US.

Apart. Now talking about all others.

No matter what point of peak your career shows, finance is something always been a taboo for females.

Probably it’s a breaking stereotype today, but still very much felt.

When did I feel it the best?

When my ex didn’t earn well — neither did I.

It was our first job after all.

“Mom his salary is the same as mine. You can’t actually prove this to be his failure.”

“So what? You are a girl.”

Sounds familiar? Heard such stuff, somewhere?

Hell yes! We all have! At least once in our lifetime.

This gets on my nerves and then starts my ‘Never ending’ logical argument.

“Why not?”

I go around and assert my point. Face to face with her.

WHY NOT? Why can’t it be me who takes the financial responsibility of myself and my family? Why is it considered a man’s role?”

My mom thinks am entering into a ‘fruitless, aimless, pointless, brainless, ruthless and perhaps logic-less’ discussion with her!

The argument closes with “Do whatever you want to”.

Seems this is the hot favorite statement of all Indian parents, (or perhaps all parents worldwide! I would like to know about the readers abroad.)

And I find this statement so irksome.

I am like “Come on, argue with me. I want a debate on this. Let me see what point you have!”

But my mom is least interested in debates. She says she was good at Extempore while at school, not debates. Duh!

I guess this is the problem with our generation; we are always ready for a debate. Blame the overemphasized extra-curricular in the schools!!

My point is…why educate girls at all? When earning or working isn’t mandatory for us, why waste time and money on our schooling?

India is in financial crisis.

Half of our population is below poverty line. Go help them with this damned money.

This is what we were taught at our schools right?

Judicious use of resources’! I don’t think we got that concept well!!

In fact, I sometimes feel there should be separate schools for girls where the curriculum remains dedicated to something called ‘House-wifery’! Exclusive cooking, babysitting and cleaning classes! Wouldn’t that be better? Using all those bucks at the right place, eh?

Teach them only what you want them to do later on! As simple as that!

That would give the guys a better opportunity to score ranks at schools, universities, exams…everywhere.

Minus the girls and you save half of the top ranks!

Girls competing for the sake of giving exams so that their parents can proudly say “She is competing for xyz exam”. Why waste those valued seats that otherwise could have been taken up by some really requiring candidate.

Few in my kins have done this and it pisses me off.

I mean, come on…you have got to realize that guys out there are slogging their heads off to clear this out.

You are eating someone’s bread even when you aren’t hungry just to find out what does it taste like? You got me kidding!


It fantasizes me when I ponder over how right from birth to death, females are assumed to be a part of someone’s responsibility.

Knowingly or unknowingly. Happily or unhappily. Planned or unplanned.

‘Approvingly or unapprovingly’

I ask my mom “Why did you study so much? I mean graduation and all…when you aren’t actually working.”

“The application of studies isn’t limited to just work. Also, I could teach you people only because I was educated.” She counters.

“Oh come on mama! Don’t tell me you actually wasted all those bucks in a ‘Bachelor’s in science’ degree to teach your ‘school going kids’? A simple matriculation would have sufficied.”

“There is a whole system of ‘thought process evolution’ taking place with education.” She tries again.

Thought process whaat….?? Ahem! Well… I don’t see that working very well either!”.

Though, I understand the point she is trying to make.

I agree, with education comes the broadening of thoughts and evolution and ‘working’ isn’t the only application of studying.

The point I am trying to make here is…even the thought process ‘evolution’ that we are talking about here hasn’t happened very well.

The ‘Patriarchal’ pattern has its root so deep, that we don’t ourselves believe how we keep supporting it!

Another “I don’t want to argue with you anymore. Your generation is over intelligent” and an ongoing debate closed on the face.

Basically it’s us girls who LOVE remaining a liability rather than taking the pains of becoming an asset! We have to change our mindset first, before proceeding to take charge of the society!






Nupoor Raj
Athena Talks

27. Pragmatic, ambivert, epistemophile. Optometrist. Writer by passion, Poet by a natural flaw | Not a Priest; Not an Atheist.