I’m a Stupid Stupid Man

But Consider My Call to Action Anyway

Danny Goldfield
Athena Talks
3 min readNov 18, 2016


I saw the 2016 presidential election as an epic battle. The last death throes of a crass male chauvinism crumbles after thousands of years of domination. A new way ascends where women hold a full share of power over our decisions and direction.

Hillary Clinton as the United States’ President and Commander & Chief was destined to be glorious.

Inspired by great expectations I began a photography series titled “1 to Infinity”: a portrait of one girl or woman every age starting with a one year old and going all the way to infinity! My impulse was to dare quantify infinite possibilities.

Drunk with optimism, I voiced the following prediction in the run up to election day:

“Hillary Clinton will be such an effective President for everyone that she will even lift up and inspire conservative Republican women to take charge of their party and lead a Republican revival creating a political party worthy of our two party system. I promise.”

Was I blindsided.

November 9th, the morning after the election, I deleted all news apps, bookmarks, and turned the television towards the wall unplugged. I looked at these “1 to Infinity” photos and questioned what I was doing. The title no longer worked. It was pointless to continue.

November 17th UPI reported on Clinton’s first public appearance since her concession. At the Children’s Defense Fund’s “Beat The Odds” Gala charity event, Hillary Clinton urged:

“But please listen to me when I say this, America is worth it. Our children are worth it. Believe in our country, fight for our values, and never, ever give up.”

Of course I am going to continue this photo project. Though I am considering alternate titles such as “Power in Numbers”. It is a different day and the project needs a title with more muscle.

Finally, I have never been to a political demonstration but that is about to change. Plus I have a call to action: Sign up now for the “Women’s March on Washington on Saturday, January 21, 2017”. And be there.

I look forward to marching with my people, camera, and numbers.

I’d love to hear from you and know what you think. Also, please suggest title ideas or inquire about participating in photography. Respond to this post below, or get in touch through my website. See you in Washington DC.

