In honor of my sisters, Happy International Women’s Day

Gina Y
Athena Talks
Published in
2 min readMar 9, 2018

Bravery is not the absence of fear. It’s existing, acting, being in the face of it. It’s the defiance and defeat of it. Not the ignorance or erasure of it.

I know I’m a day late, but I want to thank my sisters.
The women in my life who teach me, lead me, cry with me, fight with me, write with me. Those for fire me up and fan my flames, and spur me to bright flight when I’m running out, running low on light.

Those who toil and sweat, labor and build in honor of those past, in service of those present, in preparation of those future.
Those who have to pick battles daily, because this world told us who to be, how to be and where to be from birth.
Those who know that we fight a long war against history and hate, those who know that the cards are still stacked against us.
But paper burns, and we are flames, white hot, warmth, light and fierce power.

Those who are hushed and pushed, you’re too aggressive, too opinionated, too bold too loud, too tall too small, too pretty too unattractive, too much yet wholly not enough. Yet those who persist and exist, expanding and taking up space.

Those who are sisters, mothers, best friends, coworkers, and every others, those who emotionally carry the weight. Creating peace for the piece of mind of others, acknowledging the voices of others, attributing the works of others, reacting and responding for others, fixing and filling in gaps for others. Unrecognized, yet expected to. Because we are the caretakers.

Oh yes, we certainly do take care. We care. Recognize.

Thank you sisters for who you were, are, and will be.
You are fire light, bright, more than a sight.

Sisters, my heart dances, mind sings, soul healed because of you.
Because of the us. Sisters, walk strong, make noise, be heard.
Embrace and take heed to the joy and life that we have within us and grant to the world.

Happy, happy International Women’s Day.



Gina Y
Athena Talks

Storytelling for a more empathetic world. I like words and people. Oh and butter, cultured butter.