She didn’t know she was beautiful.

Stephanie Jackson
Athena Talks
Published in
2 min readJul 30, 2018
“Beautiful Light” by Stephanie Jackson

She didn’t know she was beautiful.

She tried on beauty from time to time, but it never quite suited

Floating compliments from his predecessor appear a bit diluted.

She knew she was a knowledge seeker.

Leaving the library, with books piled high, as she plainly walked

She felt beady eyes as thirsty men unmistakably gawked.

She didn’t know they didn’t care.

Apathetic in the research she was conducting or what enthralled her

Focused on the mystery within her seams and if another has solved her

She didn’t know she was lovable.

Lust was the only gesture portrayed by men that paid her interest

Paid her tab while crossing thin lines of which they won’t desist

She didn’t know she was worthy of forever.

Of all the hearts that shied away, her husband took the cake.

The diamond ring, symbolic of their love was appraised fake.

She didn’t know she was smiling.

She couldn’t feel her face or the forced steady exterior

Her fractured world spun on its side, orbiting her inferior

She didn’t know she was breathing.

Until her chest lifted above the travesty from low-blows

Resilience is a characteristic she’s unaware she shows.

She didn’t know she was beautiful.

Promises etched in creek-side stones never fluttered to fruition

So alone in her bathtub, she’ll soak in her ambition.

