The Intelligent Woman Approach to Meaningful Sex.

Maya Melamed
Athena Talks
2 min readMay 5, 2017


Intelligent women are falling for BS no more.

Intelligent women know that you can’t do the same thing over and over again and expect different results. After trying the many sex tips and advice that they find everywhere, intelligent women realize they are not scratching the surface of the problem.

Most tips given to women are merely techniques to:

  • Become more skillful lovers;
  • Find different ways to enhance their pleasure;
  • Produce a specific type of orgasm.

But intelligent women know that these tips don’t create a meaningful sex experience.

Intelligent women know that whilst meaningful sex is mostly pleasurable, it is not necessarily vice versa.

Pleasure is great in and of itself, but it’s not a substitute for having meaningful sex.

Intelligent women understand that, since focusing on pleasure didn’t work for them, it’s time to focus on something else.

That something else is meaning.


Meaningful sex is the type of sex that enhances the intimacy between partners.

The focus is on the connection between the partners, and the by-product of that is pleasure. Not the other way around.

It’s a small difference, and yet it’s a massive one. It makes all the difference in the world.

When intelligent women approach sex with connection as their focus, they have to learn to truly listen to themselves in order to open up and connect with their partner. In order to connect to their own innate, unique sexuality.

Intelligent women had enough of the wrong sex advice, and they are finally reclaiming the knowledge that brings meaning and pleasure to their sex lives.

To learn more about what meaningful sex is, join the free e-course and the Make Love Revolution.

