The Politics of Gender

Ella Shepherd
Athena Talks
Published in
4 min readJun 13, 2017

Are women as good at being politicians as men, and do feminine traits hold women back in the political arena?

It would be hard to argue women aren’t as competent as men, yet this position isn’t represented in politics, both at the local and national level. US Aid highlight the issue of women being largely absent or excluded from national and local politics in their five-year plan. Despite making up half of the world, women make up less than 20 per cent of the world’s legislators, and face countless challenges in their participation in politics and any level.

Emma Sky, pictured here in Iraq in 2009, was an unthreatening presence in the Middle East

UN Women claim the issues lies not with an unwillingness to vote for women, but rather “structural barriers through discriminatory laws and institutions still limit women’s options to run for office . . . [rarely do they possess the] resources needed to become effective leaders.”

Skills required for politics vary with the size of the area. Local councils have very different requirements to the United Nations. Why should we invest in ensuring women have the resources to contribute to politics?

French finance minister Christine Lagarde commented on women’s strength as politicians with her controversial statement: “[women make good politicians because they] inject less libido and less testosterone into the equation . . . we don’t project our own egos into getting our point across.”

Despite coming across as inflammatory, her main point stands: typical female attributes that have held them back in the past (such as passiveness) are now highly valuable in the political arena. On a global scale the National Democratic Institute [NDI] credits women with the skill to successfully carry out peace operations.

As women disproportionately suffer the consequences of armed conflict, they are strongly committed to peace building. Conflicts in the Middle East at the beginning of the 21st century have shown reconstruction and reconciliation efforts take root more quickly and are more sustainable when women are involved.

Emma Sky is an example of a diplomat whose stark contrast to the severe military attitude meant she could peacefully enter negotiations and ensure multiple peace treaties in Iraq. From 2007 to 2010 she was the political advisor to American General Ray Odierno, where she acted as an intermediator. As a female she was seen as unthreatening, and was able to open negotiations without fear of weapons. Sky shows women are valued and useful in global political discussions. Women can offer an unthreatening diplomatic approach in tense situations.

The NDI also claims that countries where women are supported as leaders have a low level of voting corruption. Having women in government correlates with positive developments in education and health standards at the local level. There is a direct link between high rates of gender empowerment and standards of living.

Women like Hillary Clinton, pictured here with Elizabeth Warren [L] and Maggie Hassan [R] bring a fresh perspective to world issues

At a local level in New Zealand politics, women such as Elaine Brazendale show how women in office benefit society. Elaine recently retired from 21 years in local government, and it is hard to imagine her skills and experience being lost to public service completely. She describes the beginning of her 21-year career in public office as entering a predominately male domain. When Elaine was elected onto the council in 1995, there had always been one woman in the office, but often no more than one.

As a child she was always encouraged to do what she did well, rather than focus on male or female roles. Brazendale credits her family for giving her the confidence to succeed in political office. She shows that although women in office are often held back by their families, in her case family has worked in her favour, supportively, and helped her allowing her to assume leadership positions traditionally dominated by men.

Women are a political force of nature. Despite being underrepresented, women offer diplomacy that benefits society. On an international scale, women like Emma Sky offer a calm mind-set that diffuses difficult situations. In local government women like Elaine Brazendale have used their traditional female attributes such as family values to project confidence and ensure they are heard.

Governments need women, not only to fairly represent society, but also to help them function better. Here are some of the women who have affected change in the world, and the only evidence needed to value female contribution in politics:

Originally published March, 2o17 in Education Today Magazine

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Ella Shepherd
Athena Talks

“That girl with all the feminist shirts.” Abortion rights activist and occasional law student. Writer, swimmer, ABBA lover.