Thick skin

Kimberley Chung
Athena Talks
Published in
1 min readJul 1, 2018

Her face was transparent
Her hands clean of sins
Her mind still untouched
And her heart always on her sleeve

Her skin was paper-thin
Her voice barely heard
Her posture made of porcelain
And her eyes always revealing the truth

Time passes by
Her face layered by countless masks
Her hands covered in dirt
Her mind messed up
And her heart hiding from the world

But her skin got unbreakable thick
Her voice bellowed from the crowd without raising it
Her posture outreached the air of injustice
And her eyes cautious of betrayals

Her innocence stripped away
Layer by layer
It seems such a pity
She asked herself:
“If you could do it again, would you?”
“In a heartbeat” was her answer



Kimberley Chung
Athena Talks

Rambling through life. All about self development & positivity.