Women Who Reign: Audrey Liu

Reinvented Magazine
Athena Talks
Published in
3 min readFeb 25, 2017


“If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” — Henry Ford

Tell us about yourself along with a fun fact!
I am a sophomore from New Jersey majoring in computer and cognitive science at the University of Pennsylvania. I am also the manager of the Women in Computer Science residential program at Penn. (Check out our website here! https://wics-residential.com/) When I’m not studying, I like to do yoga, go hiking, hang out with friends, and of course, go on the occasional Netflix binge. Fun fact: I’ve been to more countries than states.

What # would define your life journey?

Favorite website / app:
Yelp. Being able to find the nearest/best place to grab a bite — especially when I’m running on a tight schedule or in a new place — has saved me countless times.

Someone who inspires you and knowledge they have imparted:
My mother is both my role model and my informal life coach. She shows me by example the true definition of a strong woman who doesn’t let any obstacles get in the way of living her best life.

Song that makes you want to dance:
Rather Be by Clean Bandit

