Do you have time for a breATH?

A (re)branding project for the city of Athens

Maria Zourou
Athens Co-Creation City Branding Project
12 min readJul 4, 2022


Why is Athens important to you?

Our journey into the world of design thinking and co-creation began with that very question. Throughout our course on “Cultural Marketing and Communication”, part of the Panteion University postgraduate program “MA in Cultural Management, Communication and Media”, that concept would soon be translated into a city branding project, aimed at revitalizing the city of Athens and its image on a local and international level. Alongside our professor, Mrs. Betty Tsakarestou and her guidance, we explored Athens’ current identity narratives, their positives and shortcomings, as well as how other cities around the world are acting on similar ideas towards achieving the goals of sustainability, resilience and livability. We carefully gathered insights from reports, existing programs and initiatives, international media and various stakeholders, until we were able to settle on a central theme that would define our strategy and offer a new and refreshing view of the city.


In an era of economic crisis, climate change and a pandemic, Athens has been confronting major problems which can be seen in either residents’ daily routine or the local economy and development. Since Athens has already adopted the principles of sustainability and resilience, the strategy goals focus on specific points such as environmental issues and urban regeneration, local entrepreneurship and investments in innovative fields, networking opportunities and improved quality of life.

By converting these challenges into chances for evolution, Athens would not only change its image of a tourist destination, but also motivate newcomers from all over the world to potentially relocate here in order to work.

As the new action plans have already been launched, it would be interesting to provide the insights that emerged from international media and stakeholders’ interviews. How does Athens promote these action plans and what do locals or non-locals think about them? According to media perception, Athens has succeeded in presenting new environmental goals, even if urban regeneration is needed due to poor or no infrastructure against harsh weather conditions. Also, Athens seems to be well-communicated as a future tech and cultural hub, following national strategies in economy and international investments, tech innovation and contemporary art.

On the other hand, stakeholders’ opinions differ in some points. Neither start-uppers are supported in a national context to found innovative businesses in Athens, nor non-local employees such as creatives and digital nomads believe that Athens can offer working and networking opportunities. Furthermore, non-local residents highlight a lack of communication, tech facilities and ecological infrastructure which affects people’s daily life in the urban space. In fact, all opinions converge to the need of a holistic strategy that would promote wellness as a culture of living and working.


Despite mainstream yet admittedly uninformed views on the matter, wellness is about more than just physical exercise or eating healthy. According to the Global Wellness Institute, wellness is defined as “the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health”. It is a multidimensional term, related to most aspects of human activity and everyday life. Wellness is not a passive state but a constant process that is related to our environment and choices. It is, therefore, achievable or can at least be encouraged to some extent by outside influences and/or opportunities.

Most optimal models of wellness include at least six or more dimensions (source:

While focusing on wellness and how it could be incorporated in a city setting, we came across the concept of “Urban Wellness”, an idea that has emerged strongly the last few years, especially following the Covid-19 pandemic and its effects on the world at large. With the wellness tourism industry being an incredibly lucrative market, forecast to rise to $275 billion by 2022 in Europe alone, more and more cities are focusing on proper infrastructure and strategies in order to promote the benefits of a wellness lifestyle to residents and visitors alike. Through the Healthy Cities and Communities initiative that was launched in 2019 as a multi-city platform, aimed at improving “people’s well-being holistically by enabling them to live longer and fuller lives in their local environments”, we came across an organized attempt to assist cities towards that goal by providing toolkits and roadmaps to city leaders and stakeholders. Going off of that, we are attempting to continue this emerging path towards wellness and bring glimpses of it to our own city.


With wellness as the driving force, our strategy was ultimately broken down into 3 pillars, 7 sub-pillars and 22 action plans across all of them. Our main pillars and sub-pillars are as follows:

Our three pillars, each of them focusing on a different aspect of the city’s identity

Entrepreneurship and Presence in the Digital Space

The first pillar refers to entrepreneurship and the digital/tech environment. Our goal is to transform Athens into an innovation hub keeping up with advancements in the virtual space and into a South European start-up center. To complete our purpose, we need to deal with obstacles such as digital illiteracy in a significant part of the population, lack of a functioning network infrastructure in remote areas, lack of a “start-up” culture and absence of official representation in the European and worldwide start-up scene.

In this process we cooperate with stakeholders such as: Athens Digital Lab, the Digital Council, INNOVATHENS, Elevate Greece, Athens Partnership, Universities, Banks, Start-up Companies, Technopolis City of Athens, Co-working Spaces (T16, Vios), Athens Science Festival, Start-Up Europe Partnership and more.

Achieving Connectivity. The first sub-pillar aims to reinforce digital connectivity by building and maintaining a robust 5G Network following the example of Calgary (CAN) and expanding the network of free Wi-fi hotspots in key points of the city.

Inviting and Nurturing Innovation. The second sub-pillar is dedicated to nurturing and inviting innovation. We aim to create co-working spaces and use already existing ones with emphasis on start-ups which apply the principles of well-being at work, as our vision is to set wellness as a key tool which connects all basic aspects of everyday life. In addition, our second action plan focuses on the creation of tech parks with respect to the principles of well-being that can work both as co-creation spaces and visiting sites. The tech-innovation parks can strengthen the narrative of Athens as an innovation hub and can host AI exhibitions, conferences, events, and accelerator workshops to incubate a start-up ecosystem on local and South European level.

Our last action plan concentrates on educational activities for new skills in STEM and Robotics that can take place in tech/innovation parks and will run all year based on Athens Science Festival.

3D visualization of a potential Athenian innovation disctrict, as designed by Elevate Greece, located at the old warehouses of CHROPEI

Urban/Workplace Regeneration and Wellness

The second pillar is dedicated to urban and workplace regeneration, aiming to change residents’ culture/mentality of living and working in Athens. As most of our daily time is absorbed in moving around the city or working, Athens needs to offer a high quality of life to attract newcomers and become more promising to non-locals who are looking for a new place to live and work at or have already been relocated to the city.

In this case, our goals are focused on both city and citizens, relating daily routine to public and working spaces. As the major problems concern accessibility, urban abandonment and stressful conditions of everyday life, the action plans are divided into three sub-pillars, including activities which revitalize either the urban place or the interaction between city and citizens but also promote ways of well-being at work.

In order to achieve these goals, it is important to cooperate with stakeholders from the private and public sector such as start-up companies and corresponding applications (Wellics, Clio Muse App), Universities (Athens School of Fine Arts, National Technical University of Athens), Cultural Institutions and multi-purpose spaces (Onassis Foundation, SNFCC) and coworking/co-creation enterprises (Impact Hub Athens, Urban Dig Project).

Revitalize the City. The first sub-pillar proposes interventions to reorganize and reuse vacant spaces like parks and abandoned buildings which can become utilizable again. Specifically, the three actions aim to change the aesthetic image of Athens and support the local economy by adopting sustainable practices. Firstly, we suggest the expansion and re-design of parks by adding green and blue corners in order to contribute to environmental issues. Another action plan emphasizes space management according to the example of Meanwhile Space in London and other English cities. As the economic crisis and Covid-19 have decreased the number of local businesses while increasing abandoned properties due to expensive rents, vacant buildings would be provided to new or in danger businesses, which operate following a zero waste model. Even the buildings that cannot be re-used due to their bad condition, can be revitalized by street artists so as to become colorful and aesthetically pleasing.

Revitalize the People. As Athens lacks infrastructure that upgrades daily routine, the second sub-pillar is designed to revitalize residents’ activities in the city. Apart from ensuring accessibility for disabled people to free spaces and pavements around the city, other action plans focus on alternative ways of existing within the urban space. From personal exercise outdoors and/or exercising events in public places, such as Park FitTO in Toronto, Canada to our very own “Anti-Stress Spots”, specially curated areas where people can relax and “take a breath” from their daily routine, green corners can be connected to create routes and corridors that people can explore to broaden their experience of urban wellness. Considering that residents have a passive relationship with the city, another action plan suggests organized “Wellness Tours”, that focus on visiting sustainable, eco-friendly and zero waste businesses and public places.

Revitalize the Workplace. Last but not least, the third sub-pillar concerns a full scale procedure of individual or business surveys, evaluations and informative campaigns, which will introduce the concept of workplace wellness and well-being. As influencer Ariana Huffington explains: “well-being decreases stress and increases productivity at work”. While combining innovation and wellness, businesses could supply all employees with wellness-oriented and productivity applications which can upgrade working conditions.

Redesign concept of Panepistimiou Str. for the “Regeneration of Athens City Centre” project by OKRA Landscape Architects

A Sustainable Lifestyle for a Sustainable City

The third and final pillar focuses on turning Athens into a sustainable city by promoting a more environmentally friendly lifestyle to the citizens.

The main problems we intend to address and deal with in this pillar include the city’s bad air quality and noise pollution, the unbearable traffic jams caused by private transport and the lack of recycling and ecology culture. Our primary goals also prioritize strengthening the relationship between citizens and stray animals, as well as the promotion of a circular economy.

The completion of these plans involves fundamental stakeholders such as: the Ministry of Energy and Environment, various multi-purpose spaces, small eco-friendly businesses (like zero waste shops and thrift stores), Athens Makerspace (an NGO providing equipment and technical know-how in construction), Athens is Back (the Athenian network for the promotion of local businesses), organizations occupied with noise, acoustics and vibration control, and animal welfare groups.

An eco-friendly, sustainable Economy. The first sub-pillar is dedicated to the creation of a more sustainable economy, involving three main action plans. Firstly, we believe that organizing small-scale events in neighborhoods, further educating the citizens on recycling and circular economy can be impactful. Successful examples of this tactic include Calgary’s (Canada) Destination Marlborough, as well as Asheville’s (USA) neighborhood recycling education campaign.

Our second action plan is focused on educating businesses on how they can become more eco-friendly, and hopefully adopt a zero waste strategy. Further endorsement of such businesses, as a reward, could prove to be an incentive for more companies to follow suit.

The third action plan of this sub-pillar involves the organization of recurring bazaars and open markets in several areas of the city, as a way to expand and reinforce the marketplace of handmade and organic products/ foods etc. The provision of workshops and seminars on creation could encourage more residents of the city to participate in this marketplace, both as producers, and consumers. Águeda’s (Portugal) Smart City Lab composes an excellent example of the implementation of this strategy.

A happier, greener City. Our second sub-pillar includes four main action plans, dedicated to the improvement of the urban lifestyle. The first of these action plans involves recurring studies for the evaluation of the city’s air quality and noise pollution, thus improving second pillar’s Anti-Stress Spots.

The next action plan implements urban planting initiatives, according to Barcelona’s (Spain) accomplished model of Urban Gardens.

Our third action plan revolves around the overall upgrade of the city’s transportation system. At the moment, our main priority is the substitution of regular buses, running on petrol, for electric ones.

Finally, the fourth action plan addresses the city’s problem of stray animals. We believe that introducing animal therapy, an alternative, complementary type of mental health treatment, could strengthen the relationship between stray animals and citizens. Additionally, the utilization of open spaces, such as existing pet parks, for the organization of adoption events on a regular basis, could spark an increase in adoptions overall.

Students playing the game “Sustainable 24 Hours” by WWF as part of the Athens Eco Schools initiative


Media & Promotions. One of our goals is to reach as many people as possible. By cowriting pieces and cooperating with popular news & lifestyle websites aimed at young adults (LIFO, Athens Voice), we can raise awareness of the importance of urban wellness, as well as promote our suggestions and plans towards achieving it.

Events & Activities. As a consulting team working on Athens’ branding, we believe that effective changes within the city will only happen if the people get involved. With that in mind, we are planning a series of events, workshops and activities to engage people in the new direction the city is taking. By making the residents part of our planning and its execution, we can ensure that it will continue growing in the future.

Volunteer Events

  • Tree planting initiatives in cooperation with the Agricultural University of Athens to ensure that the ecology of those areas remains stable.
  • Community assisted cleanup projects in neighborhoods and/or public spaces aimed at both adults and children, giving everyone a chance to contribute, educate themselves and make a positive change.
  • Street and asphalt art events/projects in cooperation with Athens School of Fine Arts and other independent artist associations.

Sustainable Workshops

In association with sustainable businesses as well as open spaces (Serafeio Complex, Kypseli Municipal Market), we are planning to organize creative and educational workshops aimed at all ages. Some ideas include sustainable living seminars, plastic free and zero waste workshops, food waste workshops, zero waste gardening, soap and candle making workshops and more.

Lastly, the most effective way to highlight our ideas and integrate our plans in a way that transcends the city and reaches out into the world, is to be in tune with related international days. A timeline of important dates for scheduled events and activities can be seen below:


Our goal is to transform Athens by following the path that the city is already taking: that of innovation, sustainability and an ecological mindset, while adding our own twist; the need of a better quality of life for all citizens. Leaving behind the idea that technology, culture and ecology belong in their own little worlds, separate from one another, we are seeking to combine them into one holistic strategy that will transform Athens into a contemporary yet caring city.

Learn more about us: BREATH Strategy and Action Plans

Co-written by the breATH team: IriniKarambou, Elisavet Pantzara, Nikoleta Vermez & Maria Zourou




Maria Zourou
Athens Co-Creation City Branding Project

Grad Student — MA in Cultural Management, Communication and Media. International Folklore and Horror enjoyer. Interested in how comic books work.