Pedion tou Areos, August 16th 2015.

#DoYouRemember? — When the first refugees arrived at Eleonas

The camp was supposed to be temporary, it has only been expanded.

AthensLive News
Published in
2 min readAug 16, 2017


Photos: Panayotis Tzamaros / FOS Photos

On August 15th 2015, Eleonas refugee camp got a breath of life. About 300 migrants from Pedion tou Areos park in central Athens were moved to the “Open Hospitality Center”, which was built in a two weeks.

The move transpired through the help of the Fire Department, which provided buses for transportation. Police had secured the perimeter during the move, for fear of angry residents’ protests. About 20 people protested.

The Alternate Minister of Immigration Policy Tassia Christodoulou called it a “model for other facilities in the mainland and other islands.”

Pedion tou Areos, August 15th 2015.

The facility, located in the outskirts of Athens, was built to house 700 migrants and refugees, but has since been expanded. Container boxes are about 30 square meters and include two rooms, one of which includes a small kitchen, and a bathroom.

Fire Department bus to Eleonas, August 16th 2015.
Eleonas, August 16th 2015.
Eleonas, August 19th, 2015.

A visit by the Ministers of Immigration and Interior took place on August 19th, who praised the camp.

The Ministers visit Eleonas, August 19th, 2015.

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