Welcome to athlead!

Pranav Lakherwal
Published in
3 min readJan 15, 2019

Most ideas are born out of necessity, ours was born of belief.

athlead makes scouted talented accessible to clubs; all of them.

We believe talent exists everywhere, unfortunately, not all of it is found. According to FIFA statistics, “There’re 265 million football players worldwide, only 0.02% have been discovered.”Our ability to connect this talent, with meaningful playing opportunities will help bring out the finest, most deserving, for the world to see.

Dinarte, founder athlead, during the leAD selection days, July, 2018

athlead is the brainchild of one Dinarte Jesus. He comes from a small town in Portugal, specialises in front-end development, growth hacking and carries a profound love for football (It’s soccer if you are in the US). His childhood is filled with memories of learning and living football.
But one period stands out, when he met Andre Silva in his younger days. While both of them played together, Dinarte couldn’t fulfil his playing ambitions, like many young, aspiring football his age, he didn’t have access to enough opportunities.
(We will come back to the relevance of opportunities again here)

Fast forward 2017, Dinarte is finishing some freelance assignments. It was in the latter half of the year, that Dinarte had an idea that could change the way talent was accessed, in the sporting community. He got in touch with Andre, who at that time was vying his trade in professional football, in Portugal and coding in his spare time.

Andre Silva (left) and Dinarte Jesus (right), working hard on implementing MVP-feedback in mid-September, 2018.

Together they set out on interviewing footballing professionals in Portugal and Germany to identify the scope their idea. In time, Pranav and Nuno joined the team, steadily growing the idea. With plenty of iterations and working pivots, athlead launched its MVP at the end of July, this year.

We on-boarded our first player, Jorge Santos, on the 7th of August, and began iterating the future of talent, in sports.

Which brings us to the next big question?

Why do we believe talent deserves opportunities, or rather easier accessibility to opportunities?

History is full of hidden examples of minor discoveries and extravagant success. But what truly defines this success in the long run, is the access of certain life-changing opportunities.

A certain 12 year old, Steve Jobs had the opportunity of getting spare parts from Bill Hewlett. The Beatles had the chance of playing in the clubs of Hamburg for consecutive days, a practice that honed their talents and brought their creativity out at the forefront. Steve Jobs had the rare privilege of accessing a time-sharing terminal at a time when it was hardly available in the US, let alone the rest of the world.

But what truly defines this success in the long run, is the access of certain life-changing opportunities.

athlead’s vision of making sporting talent accessible to the professional world stems from a simple belief. We believe great talent exists everywhere; if found, nurtured and exposed, this can yield a remarkable playing career for the athlete. Not only that, more accessibility of talent across all markets of football can save millions of Euros for football clubs in the long run.

Think about it, majority of football watched today, is actually, just the top 1% footballing clubs. At athlead, we are driven to serve the lower division leagues and finding scouted talent at pocket-friendly prices for all clubs. Imagine if we could connect the remaining 99% clubs, functioning in the lower divisions with scouted talent all over the world?

Think about it, majority of football watched today is actually, just the top 1% of footballing clubs

Our research and market inputs have only made our belief stronger.
More exciting updates coming soon!

Onward, athlead!

