Do’s and Do Not’s When Creating a Listing on AthletiCalendar

Corey Hassan
Published in
6 min readJun 19, 2020

Congrats! You did it. You’ve decided to say goodbye to your paper calendars, endless excel sheets and manually entry into your google calendar(s) for all of your space rentals and/or sports programs. As a result, your new processes will be streamlined and automated, resulting in the elimination of double bookings, endless emails, document chasing, payment chasing and significantly saved time for you and your customers.

You’ve created a profile and are eager to get set up on AthletiCalendar, where you can easily list your different offerings for the world to see. With that in mind there are a few things you should do to increase the likelihood of attracting new customers and ensuring a smooth process for your existing customers.

DO add a profile picture to your profile.

Most of the world uses social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter for example. What if you had a friend request come in from someone with no profile picture? Some may say “eh, no big deal”, but a majority want that human to human connection. Whether we admit it or not, there’s an uncomfortable feeling that tends to take place when we can’t SEE the person who owns the space, runs the program or is ever registering for our offerings.

There’s also been articles written about the misconceptions that can be associated with those who choose to not upload a profile picture, such as;

  • Does this person have something to hide?
  • Is this organization/person not tech-savvy?
  • Is this a FAKE profile?
  • Was this profile created than abandoned?

An easy way to eliminate this challenge, make sure you upload a picture for your customers to see (Likewise, if you’re simply reserving space or registering for a program, also upload a photo).

Our suggestion- We definitely suggest an actual photo of the person who manages the rentals (if used for rentals), runs the programs (if used for programs), or is reserving/registering for spaces/programs. It provides a more personal connection. Second best, is provide a logo of your organization.

DO include a detailed description of your listing.

Sure, you may be using AthletiCalendar simply to make your rental or registration process easier for your existing customers base, however, your listings will be on display for the whole world to see. As an organization, we’re sure it’s important to come off as professional for anyone who comes across your listings. Additionally, a majority of those adding listings will WANT to attract new business and also use AthletiCalendar as a lead-generation tool. Don’t skimp out on adding a detailed description.

Example of “Not So Good” Program Listing Description;

Basketball Training

Example of “Not So Good” Rental Listing Description;

Full Gymnasium

Example of GOOD Program Listing Description;

Taking part in XYZ small group basketball training's will take your skill level to a whole new level. First, each group is limited to no more than 4 athletes to ensure each individual athlete gets the attention they need to improve. Second, all of our trainers have played at the highest level (Collegiate level to high level professional). Below is a summary of what an example session may look like;

First 10 minutes: Dynamic Ball-Handling Warm-up

Minutes 10–25: Attacking the hoop. Penetration moves.

Minutes 25–40: Different shooting approaches while on the move.

Minutes 40–55: Spot Shooting for repetitions.

Minutes 55–60: Basketball specific conditioning drill to close out session.

NOTE: IF you purchase our “At-Home Basketball Workout” Add-on, we will attach the PDF guide along with the link to the drills included in the guide via direct message after you’ve completed booking.

Example of GOOD rental listing description:

Our gymnasium is TRULY a hidden gem. First off, from a “bang for your buck” standpoint, our gymnasium is full NCAA regulation size WITH curtain dividers.

What does this mean for you? You can utilize our space if you’re looking for a full NCAA regulation size court OR you can have two of your teams practice at once by utilizing our court divider.

Most importantly, athletes love playing on our bright blue and gray court!

Each rental can be customized to your needs. In the add-on options you’ll see we’re able to provide a scoreboard operator, tables, chairs and even referees!

If there were two listings on AthletiCalendar that looked the exact same, but had the different descriptions as shown above, which one would you choose?

DO provide HIGH QUALITY pictures of space or program

This should go without saying. Surprisingly, other software applications don’t directly give their customers the ability to EASILY add pictures along with rental/program listings. From a rental standpoint, this is shocking. Would you ever rent a condo/apartment without being able to first at-least see pictures? From a program standpoint, can we agree it would carry a lot of weight (positively), if you could showcase images of you actually WORKING with athletes? Definitely add pictures to your listings. AthletiCalendar makes it super easy.

Also, make sure that the 1st picture you upload (which will be the main picture they see when viewing options in our directory), is the BEST picture you have to promote your offerings

DO keep your calendar up to date

URGENT! URGENT! AthletiCalendar makes it VERY easy for you to let your customers and potential customers know what days and times your spaces and programs are available. However, a QUICK way to lose a potential customer or renter forever is to have them put in a request, only to have it denied because what you “marked” as available, is not truly available.

AthletiCalendar will also be rolling out a scoring system that will help potential renters and program registrants easily identify spaces with a very high “approval rate”, meaning that a majority of people who request to rent or participate are approved (due to an accurately updated calendar).

Make sure when you’re initially marking availability on your calendar you take into consideration things such as; birthdays, holidays, school vacations etc. With the exceptions portion under availability, you can enter in any exceptions in which you will or will-not be available that falls outside of your regularly scheduled availability.

As a vendor on AthletiCalendar, make sure if anything pops up or any changes need to take place, to adjust your hours (if it’s permanent), OR to add an exception (if it’s for a specific day or time).

DO implement BULK PRICING discounts

This is simply a strong recommendation. From a business standpoint, the more long term rentals or registrants you have, the more guaranteed revenue you have. A strong way to give potential renters and registrants incentive, is to offer bulk discounts. Essentially, the more you book, the lower price you get per rental/session.

Do this in a way that makes sense for your organization, but some common best practices we’ve seen are as follows;


Space Type: Gymnasium

List Price- $65/hour

Bulk Pricing discounts-

10 hours- 7% off per hour (or $60.45/hour)

50 hours or more- 10% off per hour (or $58.50/hour)

150 hours or more- 20% off per hour (or $52/hour)

750 hours or more- 50% off per hour (or $32.50/hour)

As you can see, both parties can win out. From a facilities standpoint, if you have an organization wanting to rent 1 space for over 750 hours and they book this on AthletiCalendar then this results in over $20,000+ in revenue for 1 space and allows your renters to get a seriously discounted rate if they are willing to book all of these hours during one rental request booking.

By following the above processes you’re setting yourself up for success! You will ensure that any potential customers feel comfortable with your listing, are receiving every piece of information they need. With so much revolving around “customer experience”, this enables an unmatched customer experience for all of your users while setting your organization up for long-term success.



Corey Hassan

Founder and President at AthletiCalendar. Former professional basketball player. Sports and fitness enthusiast