Athos Finance NFT Collection

Athos Finance
Athos Finance
Published in
5 min readJun 24, 2022

Today, we are excited to announce the Athos Finance NFT Collection in partnership with MoonBeans, a rewards-based NFT platform on Polkadot & Kusama.

We realize that Athos supporters have been with us since the very beginning, helping us build the Athos community bit by bit. We are grateful to have all of you supporting us along the way. With that in mind, we decided to launch this NFT collection not only to make the Athos journey as fun as possible for the community, but also reward those who are helping to make Athos a success.

These NFTs will not only be a testimony of your contribution to the Athos community, but also give you real utilities when you interact with the Athos ecosystem once the product launches. In this article, we will walkthrough everything about the Athos Finance NFT Collection!

Season 1 of Athos Finance NFT Collection

Let’s begin by introducing Season 1 of the Athos Finance NFT Collection, along with the requirements for claiming the NFTs!

The Thunderbolt

The Thunderbolt is no doubt the most powerful weapon in all of Greek mythology. It can create unstoppable thunderbolts that destroy everything in their paths. Zeus accomplished one of his greatest feats with the help of his Thunderbolt by killing the giant serpent Typhon that was sent by Gaia as revenge for the murder of Cronus.

We are awarding the Thunderbolt to the those who have been with us from the get go and pushed the community forward! As long as you have the Athos Giants role on our Discord, you will be eligible to claim a Thunderbolt!

The Aegis

The Aegis is a shield and also a weapon, made out of polished brass. It has been used by several different gods in Greek mythology, from Zeus, his daughter Athena, to the hero Perseus. Perseus’ use of the Aegis was one of the most legendary. After killing Medusa with the Aegis, Perseus forged her head onto the Aegis to make it even more powerful.

We are awarding the Aegis to those who actively participate in our Discord and Athos Quest to gain XP. As long as you are at Level 4 (1,200 XP required) or above, you will be eligible to claim an Aegis!

The Trident

The Trident was modeled after standard fishing tridents that ancient Greek fishermen used to spear fish. It was a gorgeous weapon that Poseidon would rarely be seen without. By slamming the Trident down, Poseidon could generate tsunami waves that sink ships or flood islands. It can also cause earthquakes or pierce any shield or armor.

We are awarding the Trident to long-time supporters of Linear Finance. As long as you are eligible for an airdrop as a Linear Finance user, you will be eligible to claim a Trident! PS: Details for airdrop to come soon!

The Bow

The Bow is one of the very iconic weapons in Greek mythology. Apollo was almost always depicted carrying a golden bow and a quiver of silver arrows. One of Apollo’s biggest feats with his golden bow was to kill the serpent dragon Python, the nurse of the giant serpent Typhon that Zeus killed with his Thunderbolt, while Apollo himself was still a child.

We are awarding the Bow to long-time supporters of Chaotic Finance. As long as you are eligible for an airdrop as a Chaotic Finance user, you will be eligible to claim a Bow! PS: Details for airdrop to come soon!

The Caduceus

The Caduceus is a short but magical staff shaped as two interwoven serpents with two wings at the top. The snakes were meant to represent Hermes’s adaptability and the wings — his speed as a messenger of the Greek gods. It had the ability to force people into sleep or even into a coma as well as to wake them up whenever necessary.

Over the next few weeks, we will run an NFT Treasure Hunt with which we will scatter seven different Olympian Greek God names in different social media channels and posts. Those who can collect all seven names will be eligible to claim The Caduceus!

We will announce the details of the NFT Treasure Hunt early next week. So stay tuned!

Partnership with Moonbeans

Our goal of launching this NFT collection is to engage the Athos community and make the journey more fun and exciting. As such, we asked ourselves a question — why don’t we involve the wider community on Moonbeam?

After speaking to a few NFT platforms, we decided to partner up with MoonBeans. MoonBeans is a rewards-based NFT platform started off on Kusama via Moonriver, and recently made its way onto Polkadot via Moonbeam. We loved the MoonBeans team with its unrivaled enthusiasm. No wonder why they are called “the tastiest NFT marketplace”.

MoonBeans will provide technical support for Athos Finance throughout the process, from contract deployment all the way to NFT claiming, to ensure the experience for community members are as smooth as possible.


How do these NFTs look like?

We will keep that as a secret for now! However we might give a sneak peak or two in our Discord in the near future.

What if you are eligible for multiple NFTs?

Easy! You can claim all the NFTs that you are eligible for. You just need to make sure you whitelist for all of those!

What can you do with the NFTs?

Athos NFT holders can rest assured that your NFTs will give you more than just bragging rights! Each of the NFTs will provide different utilities within the Athos ecosystem to the holder. Simply put, the more different NFTs you hold, the more value you can get out of the Athos ecosystem!

How do you claim the NFTs?

Users who are eligible to claim the NFTs will go through a whitelisting process. Once the whitelisting process is completed, users will be able to claim the NFTs on MoonBeans’ platform. We will announce the detailed logistics on whitelisting and claiming closer to date.

Does it mean we will have more seasons coming out?

Season 1 is just the first of many seasons we will release. Our goal is to continue releasing new seasons to recognize and reward our loyal followers and active users. So stay tuned and let’s see if you can collect them all!

About Athos Finance

Athos Finance is the first decentralized delta-one asset protocol on Moonbeam. It provides users with on-chain price exposure through synthetic assets with infinite liquidity and no slippage.

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Athos Finance
Athos Finance

Athos Finance is the first decentralized delta-one asset protocol on Moonbeam.