Athos Finance Product Roadmap

Athos Finance
Athos Finance
Published in
4 min readJun 17, 2022

Since we first announced Athos Finance to the community, there have been a lot of questions around how the team is going to build out Athos Finance and what the product roadmap is going to look like. In this article, we will go through our product roadmap, and what we set to achieve from now until 2023 & beyond!

Below is a list of key milestones we plan to hit on a quarterly basis:

Q3 2022

Introducing Athos NFT Collection

As mentioned previously, Athos Finance will launch its own NFT collection. Community members will be able to collect these NFTs by hitting different milestones based on their interaction with the protocol and in our Discord. These NFTs will provide utilities to holders within the Athos ecosystem, and allow external parties to identify early supporters and contributors to Athos Finance. More details for the NFT collection to come next week.

Releasing Athos Buildr and Athos Exchange

The first phase of product launch involves Athos Buildr and Athos Exchange. With Athos Buildr, users can deposit $ATH to mint $athUSD, the base currency of Athos Finance, and open trading positions on Athos Exchange to gain price exposure through synthetic assets.

Q4 2022

Introducing Multi-Collateral Debt Pool

The plan for Athos Finance has always been to go multi-collateral. We will launch Multi-Collateral Debt Pool to support $GLMR, $wETH, $wBTC & $LINA as collateral to mint $athUSD. Depending on the volatility of the asset, users will be able to mint with different P-ratios. The less volatile an asset is, the lower the P-ratio is. Introducing less volatile assets as collateral will improve capital efficiency of our users’ portfolios.

Enabling $LINA Bridge between ETH/BSC and Moonbeam

As part of the launch for Multi-Collateral Debt Pool in Q4 2022, we will implement a cross-chain bridge with which users can bridge $LINA between ETH/BSC and Moonbeam.

Releasing Athos Vault

While Athos Exchange is designed for users who actively participate to gain price exposure, Athos Vault is perfect for those who prefer to take the backseat and facilitate trading as part of the debt pool instead. Users will be able to earn extra rewards with Athos Vault.

Q1 2023

Releasing Advanced Order for Athos Exchange

Advanced order will launch as a complement to market order that will first be available on Athos Exchange. Users can set advanced orders and have them automatically executed whenever the market reaches a given price.

Extending collateralization to more on-chain assets

With the multi-collateral debt pool up and running, we will be constantly on the hunt to extend support to more on-chain assets. Besides large cap cryptocurrencies, we will also consider including more exotic on-chain assets such as LP tokens or NFTs from selected collections. This will enable users to unleash the value locked in assets that are typically more illiquid.

Q2 2023 & Beyond

Branching out into other DeFi products

Athos Finance’s ambition does not stop at just a delta-one asset protocol on Moonbeam. We will look for opportunities to branch out into other DeFi products, making Athos Finance the DeFi hub on Moonbeam for all your DeFi needs. Collateralized lending is one of the main components we are considering to add to the Athos Finance ecosystem to complement our existing product offerings.

Transitioning governance into AthosDAO

Our goal at Athos Finance has always been to operate in a decentralized manner, allow community members to shape the future of Athos Finance by driving the decision making process. The implementation of AthosDAO will be the first step towards this goal. Community members will be able to create proposals and vote to add new features or make changes to existing features on Athos Finance.

In the coming weeks, Project Lead Kelvin will host an AMA to address any questions about the roadmap that the community might have. In the meantime, stay tuned and feel free to drop us some questions in our Discord!

About Athos Finance

Athos Finance is the first decentralized delta-one asset protocol on Moonbeam. It provides users with on-chain price exposure through synthetic assets with infinite liquidity and no slippage.

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Athos Finance
Athos Finance

Athos Finance is the first decentralized delta-one asset protocol on Moonbeam.