Weekly Rewards Unlocking

Athos Finance
Athos Finance
Published in
3 min readSep 8, 2023

As the first batch of weekly rewards has official unlocked, here is a quick guide for you to understand how you can manually unlock your weekly rewards from the Athos reward locker contract on Moonscan. The whole process should take you no longer than 2 minutes.

  1. Go to Moonscan in your browser. Input your wallet address in the search bar on top and hit enter.

2. You should then see a full list of transactions that you have performed with the wallet address. Look for the transaction with which you claimed the weekly rewards about a year ago that you are trying to unlock now. It should say “Claim Reward” on the transaction. Click on the transaction hash.

3. You should see that athUSD was already sent to your wallet addressat the time of claiming. Go to top right corner and click “Log (3)”.

4. You should then see a log with the name “RewardEntryAdded” with your wallet address, amount and unlock time. You can confirm unlock time by converting it from uint256 to readable date and time by using this link. Remember the “entryId” once you confirm unlock time has passed.

5. Go to the Athos reward locker contract (0xf5e222a00b6e8676ee98a11a5c70b68cc876245b) on Moonscan. Click on “Contract” and “Write as Proxy” as you see in the image below. Also click “Connect to Web3) next to the red dot to connect your wallet address to Moonscan.

6. Once you have connected, you should see the red dot turning green with your wallet address showed right next to it.

7.Scroll down to function “12. unlockReward”. Input your wallet address and the “EntryId” from Step 4 above. Click “Write” and sign the transaction on Metamask.

8. Your weekly rewards are now unlocked and available for you to use! You can also see this transaction with your wallet address on Moonscan.

Hope this helps! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to let us know in our Discord!

About Athos Finance

Athos Finance is the first decentralized delta-one asset protocol on Moonbeam. It provides users with on-chain price exposure through synthetic assets with infinite liquidity and no slippage.

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Athos Finance
Athos Finance

Athos Finance is the first decentralized delta-one asset protocol on Moonbeam.