Introducing Our New Name

Atlantic 57
Insights from Atlantic 57


If you’re an avid reader, you’ve likely had this experience: you search for a book from your shelf, only to realize you can’t find it. You’ve added new books over the years, placing them one after the next until suddenly … nothing is easy to find. That’s where we were with our Medium page at the end of 2018. The Atlantic 57 bookshelf had lots of material, but no organization.

So now, we’re making some changes to make things easier for our readers. Today, we are introducing a new name for our blog. We’re simplifying our blog’s moniker, from “Digital Trends Index” to “Insights from Atlantic 57.

Regardless of what we call ourselves, our writing won’t change. In fact, that’s why we’re putting “Insights” front and center. What we have heard from you, our readers, is that you value the tactics and resources that inform your work. Our posts cover more than just trends — these ideas are central to what you do and central to what we do. We believe that Insights captures that longevity and usefulness.

We’ve also been slowly rolling out new header categories on our homepage that catalogue our insights by topic. Most likely, we will continue to update these categories to reflect our —and your — latest fascinations. But for now, they are:

  • Media Trends, where we obsess about the latest news from media and tech and predict how it will affect communications work.
  • Content Strategy, where you’ll find articles on content creation and distribution, like our smart resurfacing series.
  • Audience Research, which contains best practices on understanding and connecting with your audiences.
  • Strategic Planning, which gathers all of our best thinking on growing your business and scaling your content operations.
  • Product & Design, where we shares advice on designing and building the digital products that are essential for connecting with today’s audiences.
  • About Us, which directs you to our website, where you’ll find more about our team and our work.

We take pride in transforming our work into helpful tactics for our readers. We hope our new name and navigation make it easier to find the inspiration and strategies you’re looking for.



Atlantic 57
Insights from Atlantic 57

Atlantic 57 is the @TheAtlantic’s brand evolution firm. We build the enduring brands people believe in.