An Introduction to the Atlas Team

Published in
4 min readJan 23, 2018

With the Atlas community growing and the crowdsale underway, the Atlas team thought that we would take this opportunity to bring to notice the core team and advisors behind the platform.

Atlas — Core Team

Paul Giganti

Co-Founder & CEO — As a commodities trader Paul transitioned into blockchain and cryptocurrency assets seeing the solutions that the technology brought to the world. As an early advocate of blockchain, and after trading cryptocurrency assets he has positioned himself as an industry expert that understands the core competencies needed for a blockchain product to succeed. His previous experiences include Trading and Investement of Stocks and Cryptocurrencies, as well as privately held hedgefund. Within Atlas, he manages the company’s core operations including the various partnerships that Atlas develops in creating a sustainable platform.


Cyrus James Khan

Co-Founder & Creative Director — Cyrus is responsible for the marketing, creative identity, platform design of Atlas, with over 8 years of experience in computer graphics and after working as a freelancer for over 5 years within the design industry. His further experience in working with various digital marketing firms and co-founding startups in Asia has allowed him to develop an understanding of the necessary variables to successfully design and market a company and product. Furthermore, having a background in the entertainment marketing industry have supported his knowledge on global networking and public relations.



Patrick Lismore

Co-Founder and Lead Developer — Patrick is a Cyber-Security expert with over 14 years of experience. His mastery within the field has allowed him to consult and work with multiple enterprises and start-ups as a software developer, even taking on ventures such as opening a CoderDojo in Ireland. Through consistently adapting to advances in the tech industry, he has engaged in various blockchain projects to be at the forefront of the digital disruption and Fourth Industrial Revolution. Within, Atlas he is responsible for both front and back-end development of the platform, and operates the platform’s security protocols ensuring a safe ecosystem for freelancing.




David Gallego

Co-Founder and Lead Developer — David is a senior software engineer with proven expertise in front end product development. With over 15 years of experience in the analysis, design, development and maintenance of software within a wide range of systems; he has transitioned to blockchain to continue his engagement in developing software that provides intelligent solutions. Through his various engagements, he has developed an expertise in AI and machine learning as tools to create efficient and intelligent systems that utilize software design and infrastructure to its maximum potential. At Atlas, David is involved in the development of the platform and focuses on the platforms user experience, data management and machine learning.


(Core Team reunion / Southampton, UK )

Apurva Adit

Marketing Advisor & Content Editor — Apurva is the first team member to join Atlas outside of the core development team. Having experience with HR Consultency and Marketing, Apurva brings an excellent and forward thinking strategy in to Atlas’ Marketing Efforts and Publications. He provides editorials in order to clearly communicate all of Atlas’ news to the public. He is also actively supporting the company’s expansion, having networks across South-East Asia.


Adrian Neamtu

Financial Advisor — As the head of operations at Siemens Financial Group Adrian has a broad understanding of the infrastructure necessary to sustain a company and create a financial framework. He applies this expertise within the Atlas platform by issuing operational and financial advice to the team.


We will soon be releasing a newsletter with an expanded team once we have confirmed certain partnerships.

Furthermore, as we continue to expand our team and develop the platform, we understand that some of the best advice can come through our community. We hope to continue to support and engage with early-adopters through our social channels, to co-create a sustainable ecosystem and platform that supports the fourth industrial revolution and the future of work.





