Pillars of Atlas

Published in
5 min readDec 17, 2017


In previous posts, the Atlas team has elaborated upon the platform’s utilization of cryptocurrencies to support freelancing and efficient completion of work. However, this is only a small part of the ecosystem Atlas aims to be. Atlas’ vision, as outlined in our whitepaper, is to create a platform that supports the future of global freelancing, and cryptocurrencies are just one element in accomplishing such a goal. The platform as a whole is built to provide its users a seamless working experience that is devoid of any frictional pain-points that the community may face. There are various features within Atlas, but just like the platform’s integrated use of blockchain technology, these features are all subsets of the main company pillars that help achieve its long term vision.


Atlas being a global platform leverages upon various macroeconomic conditions present in terms of cryptocurrency adoption. With various developing nations adopting cryptocurrencies, there is a clear indication that the population within these nations are willing to accept income within cryptocurrencies. Though Atlas does aims to be an accessible platform for those not familiar with blockchain, a demographic that is already exposed to digital currencies serves as a strong foundation to grow the platform and exhibit its full potential.

A common problem associated with global freelance platforms is the problem of wages. Where differences in purchasing power make the market unfair to freelancers within developed nations. By introducing cryptocurrencies, Atlas tackles this problem by providing a new currency through which to gauge the value of a job. This problem is then further offset by the machine learning based job matching system that Atlas uses to correctly match clients and freelancers. The job matching system ensures the best match possible and because of this feature, Atlas is able to maintain an enriching and fair platform. To further elaborate, consider this situation: A client posting a job has shortlisted two candidates, one from a developing country where wages are low and one from a developed country. Due to the job matching infrastructure present on the platform, the client can be sure both freelancers are equally skilled. As such, if an equally skilled worker is able to do the posted job for a lower wage, then that is the real value of the labour required to complete work, based on a global talent pool. One direct response of the 2008–2009 financial crisis, which also prompted the creation of cryptocurrencies, was the increase in outsourcing as a relevant solution to rising costs. This trend has since furthered the effect of globalization on the talent market. A global platform as such, doesn’t only produce fair pricing but also furthers the globalization trend in removing traditional limits on a talent pool. The same is true for freelancers, who can engage in career growing work that is not limited by borders.

User Friendly

At its core, Atlas aims to provide a user friendly experience. Atlas provides ease of use through a simple and intuitive interface to search and post for jobs. Prior to the job matching clients and can engage with Atlas’s various skill tests to further assess a candidate and engage with the team builder feature to create teams for larger projects. Both clients and freelancers can additionally leverage on Atlas’s models to assess their performance relative to the market and utilize the machine learning based virtual assistant to improve their results. After the job matching, users of the platform can use its various features such as Atlas’s inbuilt messenger app allowing for secure peer to peer interaction within the platform. This in turn, consolidates communication on the platform by limiting the necessity of additional tools such as email to communicate, in addition to providing a secure medium through which to share files. After the job is completed, freelancers will be given an opportunity to increase their impact on the platform through the rewards system that will, not only provide well working freelancers an opportunity to stand out but also an opportunity to potentially moderate the platform due to the decentralized arbitration system. Through the decentralized arbitration system Atlas is able to deliver the moderation of the platform to the community, and by doing so, removes the gap between a user friendly and user driven platform.

Atlas also aims to makes cryptocurrencies an accessible form of payment for mass market segments. By receiving payments in cryptocurrencies freelancers are given exposure to digital assets, and can further use Atlas’ digital wallet to mine Work coins. Furthermore, the Atlas wallet in addition to the inbuilt digital asset exchange allow freelancers to exchange cryptocurrencies seamlessly, or quickly withdraw their funds to external wallets. Users of the platform are given a choice to interact the platform at surface level and withdraw their funds instantaneously, or to utilize the digital asset exchange to increase exposure to various digital assets. As such, the platform aims to limit the barriers to entry and create a universally user-friendly platform in addition to providing depth of tools to maximize income potential.

Lightweight & Cross-Platform

The Atlas platform is meticulously crafted to be accessible from any device. Whether it be a raspberry pi, mobile phone or a high-end desktop, any person running a modern operating software should be able to use the platform in order to engage in work online. Atlas wants to reach low resourced communities, providing solutions for the unbanked and supporting development in the regions. This is one of the crucial steps for Atlas to lead the 4th industrial revolution.

Intelligent solutions

Atlas integrates various modern technologies, however, these further benefit the platform in reaching its potential. Due the integration of machine learning on the platform, any solutions or job matches created will only get more accurate as time progresses. Through the introduction of the Atlas blockchain, the community is encouraged to create decentralized applications that further enrich the platform. And with the digital asset exchange, beyond being user-friendly, it reduces the infrastructure overhaul necessary to accommodate other cryptocurrencies or payment means in the future. As such though there are various technologies present on the platform, they serve a strict purpose: Atlas utilizes these technologies as intelligent solutions to support freelancing and the future of agility.

In our previous post we have outlined various features present on the platform that remove the traditional inconveniences for freelancers. More importantly however, these features are present within the platform for the sole purpose of promoting our long term company vision; to create a platform that supports the future of work. By including intelligent solutions, the team is able to create a user-friendly and globally accessible platform that can support the freelancing trend well into the future.

Road Ahead

The beta version of the platform is coming close to a deployable state. New considerations and expansions have been made to the project as highlighted in previous articles, and communication and networking have been accelerating over the last few weeks.

On a final note, Atlas is now moving to the renowed application known as Telegram. We believe it provides a better accessiblity for users in order to create an engaged community.

We look forward to welcoming early-adopters unto the platform soon!





