Atlas: Bi-Weekly Report #1

Published in
4 min readJun 28, 2019

Part 1

Project Development Updates

In the past two weeks, Atlas has had interviews with a number of domestic and international fashion & travel bloggers and travellers. They all expressed strong interest in the Atlas platform: Atlas platform will leverage the accumulation of many years experience in the travel industry, and provide access to related products in global hotels, restaurants and travel. For those fashion, travel-related freelancers to use their real travel experience to drive product sales in a content community and achieve a stable, maximum share of sales benefits.

The Atlas founder shared Atlas with global travel enthusiasts at the Global Travel Bloggers Conference in Sri Lanka, and discussed industry needs with bloggers.

Zan Wu sharing Atlas with travel enthusiasts
CEO, Zan Wu, with attendees

We found that many outstanding overseas bloggers are not satisfied with the current fan operating platform, and their benefits are not guaranteed.

Last week, we engaged into in-depth discussion with top travel and fashion bloggers, including CiaoBonita, to understand the strengths and weaknesses of existing platforms and their needs, as well as the characteristics of Atlas and the issues that they hope to solve. The bloggers are looking forward to the creation of the Atlas platform.

Part 2

Product & Technique Development

Product Development

  • Streamline registration process on the DApp. Easy distinguish between ordinary users and fashion & travel bloggers.
  • Contributors will now be able to share content from other online sources, such as various SNS websites.
  • In-depth R&D into the usage scenarios for our ordinary users & system economy settings.

Tech Development

  • Complete re-design of product architecture with the Golang language (more updates on this in the next bi-weekly update!)

Team Development

  • Interviews and hirings of experienced team members within the tourism and hospitality industry, with their key task being to expand supplier resources. (More in-depth introductions to be included in the next bi-weekly update)
  • Helena Xu Joins Atlas as a resource product manager responsible for the investigation, collection and procurement of domestic hotel product resources.

Part 3

Business Development


We have been in constant communication with domestic hotels and various businesses, conducting resource surveys, learning about their current sales info and channels, recognising more pain points in their current marketing plans.

Various Atlas teams including BD, Product Design and Marketing held various meetings with the many topics being covered including; how resources are presented in the product interface.


Our BD Team has been hard at work and has managed to contact with various tourism resources from around the world including; Switzerland, Spain, The UAE, etc. There is an increase in demand for foreign tourism resources in the Chinese Market, with the team working extremely hard on accumulating everything they can.

Whilst contacting various individual tourism resource providers, we have also been in constant contact with quite a few resource wholesalers in the hopes of exploring large-scale and rapid access to overseas tourism resources through API docking.

Zan Wu joins large-scale MWC19 today held by Zhilian in Shanghai. As a guest, Zan will deliver a speech about Atlas (pictures to be included in the next bi-weekly report!)

Atlas Network

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