Message from CEO

Published in
3 min readNov 6, 2019

Dear Atlas Community,

As a travel DApp with the sole goal of revolutionising the travel industry once complete, Atlas has been devoting a lot of time in the past two quarters into R&D and implementation, giving us the best possible chance for a very successful launch. We are hoping to bring a fresh perspective on the way people travel and how they find and interact with locations they visit, and thus, our communication with our devoted community has lapsed as we have focused 100% of our time into the previously mentioned areas.

Over the past few months our developer team has been constantly hard at work bringing our vision of “travel 2.0” to fruition with a very nice DApp that is progressing to the stage where we will be happy to show a demo and look to open for initial testing with selected community members soon (stay tuned for that!).

We have also been hard at work with forming new and strengthening existing partnerships with industry leaders, which will give us the ability to launch our DApp with an extremely large database of resources, including hotels, restaurants, attractions and much more. Some of our members may have seen in the news over the past months that we have formed a strategic partnership with the South Korean IT giant, Kakao’s blockchain subsidiary, GroundX. Integration for the Klaytn blockchain into the Atlas DApp is complete and we will have an article coming out very soon detailing much more about this, and how it’s very positive for our community. We’re also very close to making it possible for our community to book hotels with ATLS. You should all expect this feature in the coming months, which will bring real utility and demand for ATLS!

I just want to take the time to thank everyone in our community that has stuck around during the time of silence, and I want to apologise for the lapse in communication. I want to assure you that Atlas is very much still progressing forward with all aspects of the project, and moving forward we will make it one of our primary goals to be more open and transparent with our community so this will not happen again. We have got a lot of exciting updates coming in the very near future which we’re looking forward to sharing with you.

Coming up;

- AMA with Zan Wu, CEO (please submit any questions in our Telegram channel)

- Return of Bi-weekly reports

- Demo of DApp & Initial testing with selected community members

- Updates and improvements to DApp supported by our community (New features, etc)

- Klaytn Integration overview

- Bounties and Airdrops for loyal supporters

Thanks again for your tremendous support!


Zan Wu
CEO, Atlas Network

Atlas Network

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