Neo-Christianity is Here

Buzzwords are mandatory, belief is optional



Johannes Plenio

It’s 2024. Richard Dawkins is a “cultural Christian”, Russell Brand has been baptised by Bear Grylls in the Thames, Ayaan Hirsi Ali has publically converted and announced Christianity as a force to combat woke and authoritarianism, Jordan Peterson is embarking on a worldwide tour called We Who Wrestle with God, essentially selling his own brand of Christianity, but if you ask if he actually believes it all you get is “I don’t like that question…It’s none of your damn business.”

Podcaster and neuroscientist Andrew Huberman has said he prays and is reading the bible, Joe Rogan has said “we need Jesus”, Douglas Murray complains about the loss of “Judeo-Christian values”, Candace Owen has converted to Catholicism, Jordan Peterson’s wife has converted to Catholicism. Brett Weinstein had Brand on his podcast and said that he had noticed many of his friends converting to Christianity, and seemed sympathetic to Brand’s conversion. The question then, is what is going on with this strange resurgence of Christianity?

Part of this is evidently political in nature. Broadly speaking Christianity has become tied to a kind of neoconservative nostalgia for some past that never existed, in which the “Judeo-Christian values” that we all now blindly take for granted ruled our societies. The Tom…

