Here is your Cheat code for your Entrepreneurship journey

Sagar Agrawal
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2021
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You, me and we all love shortcuts and easy routes. Well, why wouldn’t we, it makes our life easier and give us more time to work and what do we do best or what we like to do.

All the journeys are hard and Entrepreneurship is one of the tougher one’s for all we know. A small team or a single founder are on their way to bring change and impact lives of people for good, going against social norm and charting the Unkown territory.

So, unless, you are a serial entrepreneur or a clairvoyant, chances are, you are going to make a lot of mistakes and doing things that is just waste of money and time and there are lot of things that you even don’t know about the things you don’t know.

“Good Entrepreneurs learn from their own mistake; Great Entrepreneurs learn from the experience and mistake of others”.

Following things can help you do what great entrepreneurs do:

  • Having mentors or group of experts to consults, discuss and get advice.
  • Reading books or listing to audio books and podcast.
  • Occasionally attending conference, meetups and other events of such type.

If you are able to do 3 of the above things, it would be like using Cheat code to your entrepreneurship journey. Because those people have spent a lot of time, money and have been in lot of trouble doing lot of different things and they know what works and what doesn’t in an effective and efficient manner, so you will:

  • Avoid some mistakes
  • Achieve your goal faster
  • Save more money
  • Be in less trouble
  • Gain new perspective and solutions you wouldn’t have thought
  • Have a backing and mental support

Find the mentor that will help you in your journey and be the guide you needed so the chances are, you will be in the top 5% entrepreneur who makes it to their goal.

Do let us know if this article helped in you in anyway or if you find something missing, so we can improve and help other people better.

You can also reach out to you us if you need any help and will try to help you in any possible.

Best of luck for your journey.

Until, we meet again.




Sagar Agrawal

Software engineer with entrepreneurial experience, passionate about building solutions, and providing relevant, accurate and actionable insights.