Through the energy that matters.

Brian Hoffstein
Atman Games
Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2023

Consciousness swells through the sound of nothing.

The bliss eternal — of emptiness, of form — arrives without rushing.

It co-arises in a co-constructive nature

Co-creating and weaving reality into something major.

It is all in us, as we are interconnected fractal creatures

Coming to life with delight, evolving new features.

Metaphysically it is all a dance of the dao.

A timeless trinity which provokes the perennial I and thou.

The one gives rise to two, the two begets the infinite.

As the transcendent omniscience resides in the imminent.
The alpha and the omega were in cahoots from the beginning

Holding hands in tensegrity as the tale keeps spinning.
To know oneself through the self of the other
To know the love of a sister and a brother
To know the pleroma in the aroma
To know life and the coma

Is a realization that becomes an activation
A living prayer in munificence and in manifestation

Finding home is where the path is

Finding the path is where the home is
Finding an aliveness seeing nothingness as everythingness
Finding new portals in (your/the) here & now onceness

Finding an all at oneness in a beloved scenius

Finding goodness and grace are our greatest guides

Finding in the ocean of OM there is both low and high tides

Finding in the many ten thousand things
That comprise the many ten thousand things

There is a divine everlasting accord that rings

A collective intelligence of the cosmos that sings
Through a myriad and miraculous symphony of strings

Blossoming in the sacred life this prehension brings.

On one level it’s all atoms and bits.

On another its discernment and wits.

Like 1s and 0s, like night and day

Like vectors of Being Becoming through what they say.

Put on these glasses, you have new lenses for seeing

New modes of agreeing, new ways for achieving

The glorious prosperity of a life well lived.

Have you seen the blessings of your life?

Have you perceived the alchemy latent in your strife?

Have you used what is against as a way towards?

Have you advanced on your path and moved forwards?

(Whole body awareness.)

This Life thing is simple, it’s all about More Life.
It’s the Friend, it’s the Beloved, it’s your husband it’s your wife.

It’s the seeker who becomes the seer

It’s the lover who overcomes the fear

It’s the question that answers the question

It’s a progression through step-wise ascension

It is a novel writing new novels
It is the consciousness that learns from the stars and the fossils
It is the aspect of the dao that dominates the dialectic
It is the dopeness of diversity, the communitas of the eclectic

Becoming new through all the world once knew
Helps you to do what you are truly here to do

So in remembrance of our supreme nondual togetherness

And the joyous cosmology of a pluriversal pleasantness

We anchor in faith, we anchor in trust, we anchor in love.

We anchor in the capacity to endure and rise above.

We say yes to life, and will what what we desire to may

We say what we mean and we mean what we say.

We in dat deep deep, we on dat new new.
So don’t hehe on my who who.

Make this life about what you wanna do

And with that honesty pull through

From the veil of Maya
A flourishing dream-world for Gaia

Manifested by the nirmanakaya

Emanating into the field

Glory to God

We yield.

Through the energy that matters.

