Atmos 1.0 is here — Everything you need to create color palettes

Ondřej Pešička
Published in
3 min readAug 21, 2022

Today, we’ve released Atmos 1.0 — marking the end of our beta stage.

At Atmos, we are on a journey to empower designers to create their best work. Our current focus is building a tool for creating color palettes. Since starting this journey we’ve made a lot of strides pushing us towards our vision, and we finally feel like Atmos is at the right stage to call it a product. That’s why we’ve decided to end the beta stage.

Introducing Pro subscription

Starting today, we are introducing a paid Pro subscription to Atmos. Don’t worry, you can still use Atmos for free like you are used to, but the following features will be available only to Pro users:

  • Unlimited projects (free users can have 1 project)
  • Version history older than 30 days
  • Export to CSS, JavaScript, and raw
  • Sharing projects

We can’t be more grateful for all of our users that joined us on the journey. To show our gratitude, everyone that was part of our beta will receive 2 months of Pro subscription for free. But don’t worry, even after the 2 months, your projects will stay with you (we won’t delete anything).

The Atmos toolbox

We’ve released 4 tools specialized for creating color palettes. Combining them into one great designer’s toolbox — Atmos.

Color generator

Improving on the basics, our Color generator is designed with UI palettes in mind. Along with generating brand colors, you get matching semantic colors for all your states.

Shade generator

Need to create perceptually uniform shades? You’ve come to the right place. Our shade generator uses LCH color space under the hood to create uniform shades that have similar contrast ratios across all color families.

Color wheel

Can’t beat the classics — utilize color theory to find the perfect color combination and achieve harmony.

LCH color tool

Our flagship tool for designers that need the most customizability. Be in control with LCH color pickers and charts that give you the full picture of your palette.

How did we get here

The journey to 1.0 took us 500 days starting on April 8th, 2021 with the first release being a prototype of our LCH color tool (otherwise known as Playground). On the way, we’ve released 17 versions of Atmos, each version getting us closer to our goal — making THE tool for designers to create color palettes.

Using Atmos, our users generated a total of 553,852 colors in 2,430 projects. This means that to create the perfect palette, you’d need to generate around 227 colors.

Wondering how fast is it to create a palette using Atmos? It took our users on average 19 minutes to go from an empty project to exported palette.

Looking back at everything we worked on gets us excited about what’s coming. We have a long journey before us with a lot of great projects. And we are looking forward to having you part of our Atmos community. If Atmos sounds like something that could make your life easier, then go ahead and sign up for free, you won’t regret it!



Ondřej Pešička

Product designer passionate about design and mountain biking. Co-founder of