Mastering Kubernetes Security — Journey With Admission Controllers

Ankush Madaan
17 min readJul 9, 2024



In modern cloud-native applications, Kubernetes has demonstrated robust capabilities for managing containerized applications at scale. However, this widespread adoption has also brought significant security challenges. Some common Kubernetes security challenges include misconfigurations, network security, image security, access control, and runtime security. Meanwhile, mastering and implementing Kubernetes admission controllers can help you secure your Kubernetes, as shown in this article.

Understanding Kubernetes Admission Controllers

Admission controllers play a pivotal role in Kubernetes security by providing a mechanism to enforce security policies dynamically and consistently across the cluster. They are plug-ins that intercept requests to the Kubernetes API server after the request is authenticated and authorized but before it is persisted to the etcd database. This strategic position allows admission controllers to enforce custom policies on objects being created or updated.

The role of admission controllers includes:

  • Policy Enforcement: Ensuring that all resources adhere to predefined security policies before they are accepted into the cluster.
  • Resource Management: Modifying or rejecting requests based on organizational policies, ensuring resource configurations comply with best practices.
  • Security Enhancements: Automatically injecting security-related configurations, such as network policies or resource limits, to enhance the overall security posture of the cluster.

Guidelines for securing your Kubernetes with Admission Controllers

  1. Understanding the Fundamentals: Gaining a deep understanding of Kubernetes architecture and the potential security risks.
  2. Identifying Security Requirements: Defining the specific security needs of your organization and how admission controllers can help meet these requirements.
  3. Configuring Admission Controllers: Setting up and configuring admission controllers to enforce security policies effectively.
  4. Continuous Monitoring and Improvement: Regularly reviewing and updating security policies and configurations to adapt to new threats and organizational changes.

By mastering the use of admission controllers, teams can significantly enhance the security posture of their Kubernetes clusters, ensuring robust protection against a wide array of threats. This journey not only involves technical proficiency but also a strategic approach to continuously evolving security practices.

How Admission Controllers Work and Their Significance in Ensuring Security and Integrity

Admission controllers operate in the following workflow:

  1. Interception of Requests: When a request is made to the Kubernetes API server, it first passes through the authentication and authorization stages.
  2. Evaluation by Admission Controllers: Post-authentication, the request reaches the admission controllers. Each controller evaluates the request against its specific set of policies. Kubernetes supports two types of admission controllers:some text
  • Validating Admission Controllers: These controllers validate the request and either allow or reject it based on the policies defined.
  • Mutating Admission Controllers: These controllers can modify the request before it is persisted to the etcd database. For example, they can add or modify labels, annotations, or resource limits.

3. Policy Enforcement: Based on the evaluations, the admission controllers enforce security policies. If a request violates any policies, it is rejected with an appropriate error message. If it passes, the request proceeds to be committed to the etcd database.

Significance of Admission Controllers in Ensuring Security and Integrity

Admission controllers play a crucial role in maintaining the security and integrity of Kubernetes clusters. Here are some key aspects of their significance:

  • Enforcing Compliance: Admission controllers ensure that all resources within the cluster comply with organizational policies and standards. For example, they can enforce that all images used come from trusted registries or that specific labels are present on resources for monitoring and management purposes.
  • Preventing Misconfigurations: By intercepting and validating requests before they are committed, admission controllers help prevent common misconfigurations that could lead to security vulnerabilities or operational issues.
  • Automating Security Enhancements: Admission controllers can automatically inject security-related configurations, such as network policies, resource quotas, or sidecar containers for logging and monitoring, ensuring consistent application of security practices.
  • Dynamic Policy Management: They allow for dynamic and fine-grained policy management. Policies can be updated or added without requiring changes to the application code, making it easier to adapt to evolving security requirements.

For instance, the PodSecurityPolicy admission controller can enforce security contexts on pods, ensuring they run with the least privilege necessary. Similarly, the ResourceQuota admission controller can prevent resource starvation by enforcing limits on resource usage across namespaces.

By leveraging admission controllers, organizations can significantly bolster their Kubernetes security posture, ensuring that their clusters remain secure, compliant, and resilient to threats. This proactive approach to security helps maintain the integrity and reliability of the applications running within the Kubernetes ecosystem.

Challenges of Using Admission Controllers

Complexity of Configuration:

  • Initial Setup: Configuring admission controllers can be complex, requiring a deep understanding of Kubernetes policies and the specific needs of the organization.
  • Custom Webhooks: Developing and maintaining custom webhook admission controllers adds an additional layer of complexity, necessitating robust development and testing practices.
  • Policy Management: As the number of policies and controllers increases, managing and coordinating them can become challenging, requiring careful planning and documentation.

Potential Performance Impact:

  • Processing Overhead: Admission controllers add processing overhead to the API server, as each request must be evaluated and potentially modified or rejected.
  • Latency: In environments with a high volume of API requests, the added latency from admission controller evaluations can impact overall system performance.
  • Scalability: Ensuring that admission controllers scale effectively with the cluster can be challenging, particularly for custom webhook controllers that may require additional infrastructure and resources.

Compatibility Issues:

  • Version Compatibility: As Kubernetes evolves, ensuring that admission controllers remain compatible with new versions can require ongoing updates and maintenance.
  • Integration with Other Tools: Admission controllers must be carefully integrated with other security and management tools to avoid conflicts and ensure cohesive policy enforcement.
  • Dependencies: Custom webhook admission controllers may have dependencies on external systems or services, introducing potential points of failure and complexity in deployment and maintenance.

Addressing the Challenges in Using Admission Controllers

Simplifying Configuration:

  • Templates and Examples: Utilize existing templates and community examples to streamline the initial setup and configuration of admission controllers.
  • Automation Tools: Leverage automation tools and scripts to simplify the deployment and management of admission controllers and their configurations.
  • Documentation: Maintain thorough documentation for all admission controller configurations and policies to facilitate understanding and management.

Mitigating Performance Impact:

  • Optimized Webhooks: Optimize custom webhook admission controllers to minimise processing time and reduce latency.
  • Load Balancing: Implement load balancing for custom webhook servers to distribute the processing load and enhance performance.
  • Monitoring: Continuously monitor the performance impact of admission controllers and adjust configurations as needed to balance security and performance.

Ensuring Compatibility:

  1. Regular Updates: Stay current with Kubernetes releases and update admission controllers and policies to ensure compatibility with new versions.
  2. Testing: Implement comprehensive testing practices to validate admission controller configurations in staging environments before deploying to production.
  3. Community Engagement: Engage with the Kubernetes community to stay informed about best practices, updates, and tools that can aid in managing admission controllers.

Types of Admission Controllers

Kubernetes comes with a variety of built-in admission controllers, each designed to enforce specific policies and configurations within the cluster. As of Kubernetes 1.23, there are over 30 built-in admission controllers. However, these controllers can be classified into two main types: mutating admission controllers and validating admission controllers.

Mutating Admission Controllers

Mutating admission controllers are typically used to set default values, modify configurations, or inject additional components (such as sidecar containers) into the objects. They intercept requests to the Kubernetes API server and can add, update, or remove fields in the objects before they are persisted in etcd.

How Mutating Admission Controllers Work:

  • When a request is made to create or update an object in the Kubernetes cluster, the request is first authenticated and authorized.
  • The request is then intercepted by mutating admission controllers.
  • Each mutating admission controller evaluates the request and may modify the object by adding or altering fields according to predefined rules or policies.
  • After all mutating admission controllers have processed the request, the modified object is passed to the next stage, which may include further validation.

Examples of Mutating Admission Controllers:

  • Mutating Admission Webhook: Calls external webhooks to modify objects based on custom logic.
  • Namespace Lifecycle: Automatically assigns namespaces to objects if they are not specified.
  • PodPreset: Injects additional environment variables, volumes, and volume mounts into pods at creation time.

How to Set Up Mutating Admission Controllers

Setting up mutating admission controllers involves enabling the necessary admission plugins in the Kubernetes API server, creating and deploying webhook servers, and configuring the Kubernetes API server to use these webhooks. To set up the mutating admission controller, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Enable Mutating Admission Plugins

To enable mutating admission plugins, you need to configure the Kubernetes API server. This involves editing the API server configuration file.

  1. Locate the API Server Configuration File: The configuration file is usually found in /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml on the control plane node.
  2. Edit the Configuration: Add the necessary admission controllers to the — enable-admission-plugins flag. For mutating admission controllers, ensure MutatingAdmissionWebhook is included.
- command:
- kube-apiserver
- --enable-admission-plugins=MutatingAdmissionWebhook,NamespaceLifecycle,LimitRanger,ServiceAccount,DefaultStorageClass,ResourceQuota

3. Save and Apply the Changes

Restart the API server for the changes to take effect.

Step 2: Develop the Webhook Server

Create a webhook server that listens for admission review requests and responds to admission decisions. This server can be written in any language, but for simplicity, you can use Python with Flask as shown in this example.

  1. Create the Webhook Server Code:
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
import base64
app = Flask(__name__)@app.route('/mutate', methods=['POST'])
def mutate():
req = request.get_json()
print(f"Admission review request: {req}")

Example mutation: Adding a label to pods

uid = req["request"]["uid"]
mutated_pod = req["request"]["object"]
if "metadata" not in mutated_pod:
mutated_pod["metadata"] = {}
if "labels" not in mutated_pod["metadata"]:
mutated_pod["metadata"]["labels"] = {}
mutated_pod["metadata"]["labels"]["mutated"] = "true"
    admission_response = {
"uid": uid,
"allowed": True,
"patchType": "JSONPatch",
"patch": base64.b64encode(
"op": "add",
"path": "/metadata/labels/mutated",
"value": "true"
return jsonify({
"response": admission_response
if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=443, ssl_context=('/path/to/cert.crt', '/path/to/cert.key'))

2. Deploy the Webhook Server:

  • Package the webhook server into a container image.
  • Deploy it as a Kubernetes deployment and expose it via a service as follows:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: webhook-server
replicas: 1
app: webhook-server
app: webhook-server
- name: webhook-server
image: <your-webhook-image>
- containerPort: 443
- name: webhook-certs
mountPath: "/etc/webhook/certs"
readOnly: true
- name: webhook-certs
secretName: webhook-server-tls
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: webhook-server-service
app: webhook-server
- protocol: TCP
port: 443
targetPort: 443

3. Create TLS Certificates:

Generate and deploy TLS certificates for secure communication between the API server and the webhook server.openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout webhook.key -x509 -days 365 -out webhook.crt -subj “/CN=webhook-server.default.svc”

kubectl create secret tls webhook-server-tls — cert=webhook.crt — key=webhook.key

Step 3: Create MutatingWebhookConfiguration

Create a MutatingWebhookConfiguration resource to configure the Kubernetes API server to call your webhook server.

  1. Create the MutatingWebhookConfiguration:
kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration
name: example-mutating-webhook
- name:
name: webhook-server-service
namespace: default
path: /mutate
caBundle: <CA_BUNDLE>
- operations: ["CREATE", "UPDATE"]
apiGroups: [""]
apiVersions: ["v1"]
resources: ["pods"]
admissionReviewVersions: ["v1"]

2. Apply the Configuration:

kubectl apply -f mutating-webhook-configuration.yaml

3. Replace <CA_BUNDLE>:

Replace <CA_BUNDLE> with the base64-encoded CA certificate used to sign the webhook server’s TLS certificate.

export CA_BUNDLE=$(kubectl get configmap -n kube-system extension-apiserver-authentication -o=jsonpath='{.data.client-ca-file}' | base64 | tr -d '\n')
sed -i 's|<CA_BUNDLE>|'"${CA_BUNDLE}"'|g' mutating-webhook-configuration.yaml
kubectl apply -f mutating-webhook-configuration.yaml

Step 4: Test and Validate

Deploy Test Resources:

  1. Create test pods to ensure that the mutating admission controller is working as expected.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: test-pod
- name: busybox
image: busybox
command: ["sleep", "3600"]

2. Check Mutations:

Verify that the pods have been mutated according to the logic defined in your webhook server.

kubectl get pod test-pod -o json | jq .metadata.labels

3. You should see the label mutated: “true” added to the pod.

Step 5: Monitor and Maintain

Continuous Monitoring:

  1. Set up logging and monitoring to track the actions of your mutating admission controllers.

Regular Updates:

  1. Keep your webhook server and admission controller configurations updated to adapt to new requirements and Kubernetes versions.

Validating Admission Controllers

Validating admission controllers, on the other hand, are responsible for validating the objects without modifying them. They intercept requests to the Kubernetes API server and enforce policies by accepting or rejecting objects based on predefined rules. These controllers ensure that objects meet certain criteria and adhere to organizational policies before they are persisted in etcd.

How Validating Admission Controllers Work:

  • After a request passes through the mutating admission controllers, it is intercepted by validating admission controllers.
  • Each validating admission controller evaluates the request against a set of validation rules or policies.
  • If an object violates any of these rules, the validating admission controller rejects the request, and an error response is returned to the user.
  • If all validating admission controllers approve the request, the object is admitted and persisted in etcd.

Examples of Validating Admission Controllers:

  • ValidatingAdmissionWebhook: The controller calls external webhooks to validate objects based on custom logic.
  • ResourceQuota: It ensures that resource usage within a namespace does not exceed defined quotas.
  • PodSecurityPolicy: It validates that pod specifications adhere to security policies such as restricting privileged containers or enforcing SELinux contexts..

How to Set Up Validating Admission Controllers

Setting up validating admission controllers involves configuring the Kubernetes API server, developing a webhook server for validation, and setting up Kubernetes resources to connect the API server with your webhook. Here’s a detailed guide:

Step 1: Enable Validating Admission Plugins

To enable validating admission plugins, you need to configure the Kubernetes API server.

Locate the API Server Configuration File:

  1. The configuration file is typically found at /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml on the control plane node.

Edit the Configuration:

  1. Add the necessary admission controllers to the — enable-admission-plugins flag. For validating admission controllers, ensure ValidatingAdmissionWebhook is included.
- command:
- kube-apiserver
- --enable-admission-plugins=ValidatingAdmissionWebhook,NamespaceLifecycle,LimitRanger,ServiceAccount,DefaultStorageClass,ResourceQuota
  1. Save and Apply the Changes:
  2. Restart the API server for the changes to take effect.

Step 2: Develop the Webhook Server

Create a webhook server that listens for admission review requests and responds with validation decisions. This example uses Python with Flask for simplicity.

  1. Create the Webhook Server Code:
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/validate', methods=['POST'])
def validate():
req = request.get_json()
print(f"Admission review request: {req}")
uid = req["request"]["uid"]
object_spec = req["request"]["object"]["spec"]

Example validation: Ensure all pods have a specific label

required_label = "secure"
allowed = required_label in object_spec["metadata"]["labels"]
 admission_response = {
"uid": uid,
"allowed": allowed,
"status": {
"message": "Required label is missing" if not allowed else "Validation passed"
return jsonify({
"response": admission_response
if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=443, ssl_context=('/path/to/cert.crt', '/path/to/cert.key'))

2. Deploy the Webhook Server:

  • Package the webhook server into a container image.
  • Deploy it as a Kubernetes deployment and expose it via a service.
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: validating-webhook-server
replicas: 1
app: validating-webhook-server
app: validating-webhook-server
- name: validating-webhook-server
image: <your-webhook-image>
- containerPort: 443
- name: webhook-certs
mountPath: "/etc/webhook/certs"
readOnly: true
- name: webhook-certs
secretName: validating-webhook-server-tls
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: validating-webhook-server-service
app: validating-webhook-server
- protocol: TCP
port: 443
targetPort: 443

3. Create TLS Certificates:

Generate and deploy TLS certificates for secure communication between the API server and the webhook server.

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout webhook.key -x509 -days 365 -out webhook.crt -subj "/CN=validating-webhook-server.default.svc"
kubectl create secret tls validating-webhook-server-tls --cert=webhook.crt --key=webhook.key

Step 3: Create Validating Webhook Configuration

Create a ValidatingWebhookConfiguration resource to configure the Kubernetes API server to call your webhook server.

  1. Create the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration:
kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
name: example-validating-webhook
- name:
name: validating-webhook-server-service
namespace: default
path: /validate
caBundle: <CA_BUNDLE>
- operations: ["CREATE", "UPDATE"]
apiGroups: [""]
apiVersions: ["v1"]
resources: ["pods"]
admissionReviewVersions: ["v1"]

2. Apply the Configuration:

kubectl apply -f validating-webhook-configuration.yaml

3. Replace <CA_BUNDLE>:

Replace <CA_BUNDLE> with the base64-encoded CA certificate used to sign the webhook server’s TLS certificate.

export CA_BUNDLE=$(kubectl get configmap -n kube-system extension-apiserver-authentication -o=jsonpath='{.data.client-ca-file}' | base64 | tr -d '\n')
sed -i 's|<CA_BUNDLE>|'"${CA_BUNDLE}"'|g' validating-webhook-configuration.yaml
kubectl apply -f validating-webhook-configuration.yaml

Step 4: Test and Validate

Deploy Test Resources:

  1. Create test pods to ensure that the validating admission controller is working as expected.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: test-pod
secure: "true" # Ensure this label matches your validation logic
- name: busybox
image: busybox
command: ["sleep", "3600"]

2. Check Validations:

  1. Verify that pods without the required label are rejected by the validating admission controller.
kubectl create -f test-pod.yaml

2. Ensure that pods without the secure label are rejected and the error message reflects the validation logic.

Step 5: Monitor and Maintain

Continuous Monitoring:

  1. Set up logging and monitoring to track the actions of your validating admission controllers.
  2. Regular Updates: Keep your webhook server and admission controller configurations updated to adapt to new requirements and Kubernetes versions.

By following these steps, you can effectively set up validating admission controllers to enforce policies and validate objects in your Kubernetes clusters, ensuring compliance and security. Regular monitoring and updates will help maintain the effectiveness of your validation setup.

Comparison between Mutating and Validating Admission Controllers:

  • Mutating Admission Controllers:
  • Can modify objects.
  • Used for setting defaults, injecting configurations, or altering fields.
  • Examples: MutatingAdmissionWebhook, PodPreset.
  • Validating Admission Controllers:
  • Cannot modify objects.
  • Used for enforcing policies and validating objects.
  • Examples: ValidatingAdmissionWebhook, ResourceQuota, PodSecurityPolicy

Common Built-in Admission Controllers

Here are some of the commonly used built-in admission controllers:

  • AlwaysAdmit: (Deprecated) Admits all requests.
  • AlwaysDeny: (Deprecated) Denies all requests.
  • AlwaysPullImages: Forces every new pod to pull images before starting containers.
  • DefaultStorageClass: Sets the default storage class for PVCs that do not specify one.
  • DenyEscalatingExec: Denies exec and attaches to pods with escalating privileges.
  • DenyServiceExternalIPs: Denies the creation of services with external IPs.
  • EventRateLimit: Limits the rate at which event objects are accepted.
  • LimitRanger: Enforces limits on resource usage.
  • NamespaceAutoProvision: Automatically creates a namespace if it does not exist.
  • NamespaceExists: Ensures that the namespace exists before creating resources within it.
  • NodeRestriction: Limits the nodes’ ability to modify Node and Pod objects.
  • PersistentVolumeLabel: Automatically adds labels to PersistentVolumes.
  • PodNodeSelector: Enforces node selection policies for pods.
  • PodTolerationRestriction: Restricts pod tolerations based on allowed policies.
  • Priority: Enforces Pod priority and preemption policies.
  • RuntimeClass: Selects the appropriate runtime class for pods.
  • ServiceAccount: Automates the creation of service accounts and secrets.
  • StorageObjectInUseProtection: Ensures that PersistentVolumes and PersistentVolumeClaims are not removed while in use.

Implementing Admission Controllers for Enhanced Security

Admission controllers are essential for enforcing security policies in Kubernetes. Here’s a step-by-step guide to implementing and configuring some key admission controllers: network policies, pod security policies, and resource quotas.

Configuring Network Policies

Network policies are used to control the communication between pods in a cluster. While not an admission controller themselves, their enforcement can be ensured through validating admission controllers.

Step-by-Step Guide:**

  1. Enable Network Policies:**

Ensure your Kubernetes cluster supports network policies. Most managed Kubernetes services like GKE, EKS, and AKS support them out of the box.

2. Define a Network Policy:**

Create a YAML file for your network policy. For example, to allow traffic only from pods within the same namespace:

kind: NetworkPolicy
name: allow-same-namespace
namespace: default
podSelector: {}
- Ingress
- Egress
- from:
- podSelector: {}
- to:
- podSelector: {}

3. Apply the Network Policy:**

kubectl apply -f network-policy.yaml

Implementing PodSecurityPolicy (PSP)

PodSecurityPolicy (PSP) is a built-in admission controller that controls security-sensitive aspects of pod specification.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Enable PSP Admission Controller:

Ensure the PodSecurityPolicy admission controller is enabled in your cluster by adding it to the API server configuration.

2. Create a Pod Security Policy:

Define a PSP YAML file. For example, to restrict running as the root user:

apiVersion: policy/v1beta1
kind: PodSecurityPolicy
name: restricted
privileged: false
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
rule: MustRunAsNonRoot
rule: RunAsAny
rule: RunAsAny
rule: RunAsAny

3. Create Roles and RoleBindings:

Associate the PSP with specific roles.

kind: Role
name: psp:restricted
namespace: default
- apiGroups:
- policy
- restricted
- podsecuritypolicies
- use
kind: RoleBinding
name: use-restricted-psp
namespace: default
- kind: Group
name: system:serviceaccounts
namespace: default
kind: Role
name: psp:restricted

**Apply the PSP and Roles:**

kubectl apply -f psp.yaml
kubectl apply -f roles.yaml

Setting Up Resource Quotas

Resource quotas ensure that namespaces don’t exceed specified resource limits, helping to prevent resource exhaustion.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Create a Resource Quota:

Define a resource quota YAML file.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
name: example-quota
namespace: default
pods: "10"
requests.cpu: "4"
requests.memory: 2Gi
limits.cpu: "10"
limits.memory: 4Gi

**Apply the Resource Quota:**

kubectl apply -f resource-quota.yaml

Best Practices for Using Admission Controllers

To maximize the effectiveness of admission controllers in securing your Kubernetes clusters, it is essential to follow best practices. This section outlines key strategies for using admission controllers effectively, including regular audits, monitoring, and testing of configurations, as well as integrating them into your CI/CD pipeline for automated security checks.

Regular Audits and Reviews

Conduct Periodic Audits:

  • Audit Policies: Regularly review and update admission controller policies to ensure they align with evolving security requirements and organizational policies.
  • Access Reviews: Periodically review access controls and permissions associated with admission controllers to ensure they are only accessible to authorized personnel.

Configuration Management:

. Version Control: Store all admission controller configurations in a version-controlled repository to track changes and enable rollbacks if necessary.

  • Change Management: Implement a change management process for updating admission controller configurations, ensuring that changes are reviewed and tested before deployment.

Security Posture Assessment:

  • Policy Effectiveness: Assess the effectiveness of current policies by evaluating their impact on security incidents and compliance with security standards.
  • Security Audits: Perform regular security audits of your Kubernetes clusters to identify potential vulnerabilities and areas for improvement.

Monitoring and Alerting

Enable Logging and Monitoring:

  • Admission Controller Logs: Enable and monitor logs for all admission controllers to track their activities and detect any anomalies or unauthorized changes.
  • Cluster Monitoring: Use monitoring tools like Prometheus and Grafana to keep an eye on cluster health and resource usage, correlating with admission controller activities.

Set Up Alerts:

  • Policy Violations: Configure alerts for policy violations detected by admission controllers to ensure immediate attention and remediation.
  • Resource Utilization: Monitor resource quotas and limits, setting up alerts for any breaches or unusual patterns in resource usage.

Testing Admission Controller Configurations

Implement Comprehensive Testing:

  • Unit Testing: Develop unit tests for custom webhook admission controllers to validate their logic and behavior.
  • Integration Testing: Perform integration testing to ensure that admission controllers interact correctly with other components in the cluster.

Test in Staging Environments:

  • Staging Deployment: Deploy and test admission controller configurations in a staging environment that mirrors production to identify and resolve issues before they impact live services.
  • Simulated Scenarios: Create simulated scenarios to test how admission controllers handle various requests, ensuring they enforce policies as expected.

Integrating Admission Controllers into CI/CD Pipelines

Automate Security Checks:

  • Pre-deployment Validation: Integrate admission controllers into your CI/CD pipeline to validate Kubernetes manifests and configurations before they are deployed to the cluster.
  • Automated Testing: Incorporate automated tests for admission controllers within your CI/CD pipeline to ensure they function correctly and enforce policies as intended.

Continuous Compliance:

  • Policy Enforcement: Use admission controllers to enforce compliance checks during the deployment process, preventing non-compliant resources from being deployed.
  • Pipeline Integration: Integrate admission controller validation steps into your CI/CD pipeline using tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI, or GitHub Actions.


Mastering Kubernetes security is a critical journey for any organization utilizing container orchestration. Admission controllers play a pivotal role in this journey. It offers robust mechanisms to enforce security policies, ensure compliance, and manage resources effectively.

Through this article, we’ve explored the foundational aspects of Kubernetes admission controllers, understanding their definitions, functionalities, and the various built-in types such as PodSecurityPolicy, MutatingAdmissionWebhook, and ValidatingAdmissionWebhook. These controllers provide essential security functions, from enforcing security contexts to ensuring consistent and compliant resource configurations.

Implementing admission controllers for enhanced security involves a systematic approach. We’ve provided step-by-step guides on configuring key policies, such as network policies, pod security policies, and resource quotas. Additionally, we demonstrated hands-on examples and configurations to give you a practical understanding of deploying these controllers in your Kubernetes environment.

Adhering to best practices is crucial for the effective use of admission controllers. Regular audits, monitoring, and testing ensure that policies remain relevant and effective. Integrating admission controllers into your CI/CD pipeline further automates security checks, maintaining continuous compliance and enhancing your security posture.

While the benefits of using admission controllers, such as enhanced security, improved compliance, and better control over cluster resources, are substantial, it’s important to acknowledge and address the associated challenges. These include configuration complexity, potential performance impacts, and compatibility issues. By leveraging templates, and automation tools, and staying current with updates, these challenges can be mitigated effectively.

At Atmosly, we understand the importance of securing your Kubernetes clusters. Our platform is designed to help you implement and manage admission controllers efficiently, ensuring that your deployments are secure, compliant, and optimized for performance. By embracing the strategies and best practices discussed in this article, you can master Kubernetes security and safeguard your infrastructure against evolving threats.

Join the Atmosly secure Kubernetes environments and stay ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of container orchestration. Together, we can achieve a more secure, resilient, and compliant Kubernetes ecosystem.



Ankush Madaan

Leading the tech team at Atmosly, developing a self-service DevOps platform for seamless cloud infrastructure & app deployment with Kubernetes.