A perspective change

All the Numbers Trading Co
Published in
1 min readApr 24, 2018

I’ve been writing the last couple weeks about “boring,” “not much going on,” and even “depressed” crypto markets.

While it’s true to say the markets are not experiencing the same levels of growth and volatility they experienced in Q4 2017, they are experiencing more than enough pad my account with USD.

My previous posts (here, here, & here) have talked about 0.30% daily gains, or even as bad as 0.05% daily gains. When I put that in perspective, it’s 18% to 110% annual gains. Last time I checked my savings account, those gains crush the savings account gains I’m experiencing.

So in the spirit of having my mind blown, my ATN account realized an amazing 0.28% growth yesterday — 102% annualized. I’ll take that every single day and have a fantastic year.

