Atom Foundation Hires Recruiter in Major Team Expansion Drive

Kyle White
Atom Foundation [Now]
2 min readDec 6, 2021

Join Atom.Foundation in introducing Dan Villaluz, a Filipino-Canadian born to two Asian parents who chose reside in the Philippines where they are native from. While his older siblings chose to stay in Toronto, he convinced his parents and his younger siblings to stay in Manila, where he feels he is mostly needed in. In his family, he is the only eldest who went onto a different path than Engineering.

Dan Villaluz, Atom Foundation recruiter pays respects

He majored in Business Psychology and his passion is to make a positive impact in the lives of the less fortunate communities which is why, despite majoring in Business Psychology, he pursued representing Asia in the international conversations on optimizing lives in the region.

He is an Environmental Health advocate and an award-winning delegate in the discussions of environment, regional stability, and technological innovation. One of his proudest achievements is being selected to represent the Philippines in the prestigious ASEAN+Australia meeting in Vietnam for the meetings about Political Security & Food Security.

It combined his dreams which is to be the voice of the communities, be heard, and to connect with the leaders of the world. This event was largely the reason for his network of connections with the world’s future leaders in their respective fields.

Dan started to have a passion for blockchain when he saw the opportunity to circulate finances better to the less-fortunate and more isolated communities. After observing Atom Foundation, he started putting his inputs and utilized his connections to add value. One thing that he wants the team to remember about himself is that when he goes for something he wants, he goes hard and never stops.

Dan is currently hiring and can be reached at Here are the roles Atom Foundation currently has open:

  • Auditors
  • Front-end ninjas
  • Back-end ninjas
  • Solidity developers
  • Writers with publishing ability
  • Business development
  • CMO
  • Video designers
  • Guerilla marketing

