Too Much To Ask For Venezuela?

Anthony Echiavarri
Atomic Brunch
Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2019

It is important, first of all, that innocent people not be killed.


Bellies blown open and faces burned off, mutilated limbs and boiled skin, disemboweled bullet-ridden bodies and screams dying in throats or in guts or in the soles of dead feet,

that’s what supplying arms and throwing bombs and providing intelligence does, that’s what aid for rebels and regime change does, it leaves smoking piles of hamburger where men and women and children were,

but you know it’s not polite to talk about it, it’s a little crude, so we’ll leave it
at that.

Sanctions starve children and they die without medicine, just ask Denis Halliday about all the Iraqi children dead in the ’90s from sanctions,

Denis Halliday who resigned his UN post because of it and told everyone about it but no one cared, not anyone with any power anyway because they kept enforcing the sanctions that were killing more children,

then Halliday’s successor Hans Von Sponeck resigned for the same reason and still no one cared, then World Food Program in Iraq chief Jutta Burghardt resigned for the same reason and still no one cared, and 70 Congress reps wrote a letter to Bill Clinton for the same reason and still no one cared,

they all cared about sending a message to Saddam Hussein who also didn’t care about sick and dead children.

Well, you know, that’s the thing about children — they have very little money and no power, and their influence over markets and resources is not too hot, so you don’t have to fuss over them, they don’t merit it much, all the fussing goes to Benjamin Netanyahu and the Saudi royal family and the Shell oil company and the other centers of power and wealth, and you know the other thing about children is they’re too dumb to know which side they’re on half the time, if you don’t watch them most of them will make friends with almost anyone, and who does that help to get rich, no one, that’s who.

Sympathizer! Toady! Assad-lover! Puppet! Peace extremist!

He’s a monster! He’s a monster! Hussein, Gaddafi, Maduro, they’re monsters, if you don’t want to drop bombs and kill them, you love them, if you don’t want the CIA to fund and train opposition forces, you hate Democracy and you love them, if you even start to say perhaps we should let that country work out its own internal conflicts because whenever we bring our money and guns it always kills innocent people, you hate America and you love them, you-and-Ma-du-ro-sitting-in-a-tree . . .

These disgusting mustachioed turds, what have they ever done to deserve not to have the populations they abuse also be abused by us, I’ll tell you what they have not done to not deserve it, they have not been very nice to investment, have not opened their resources and markets to the delicious probing scepter of American capitalist freedom, and they should all know how not opening your resources and markets turns out, just ask Mohammad Mosaddegh, Jacobo Árbenz, Salvador Allende,

or anyone living in their countries back then,

any of those who were tortured or executed by the freedom-loving opposition and replacement rulers who knew how to do business right, wait, don’t ask any of those people, they can’t talk now because they are dead.

Make the economy scream with sanctions
That makes the people miserable
That makes the people hate the government
Some of them rise up
The government cracks down
And now we have our excuse
More violence
Now we can get this wet blanket won’t play ball socialist turd out of there
And get someone in who knows how to do business
That’s the playbook plan, it always works great
As long as no one innocent gets killed
That’s important, after all
Except we
All know

We all know they always do.

Leave them alone.
Just leave them alone.
Is it too much to ask?

Just leave them alone.

