Why Accepting More Military Violence is Ahistorical Insanity

Anthony Echiavarri
Atomic Brunch
Published in
1 min readDec 3, 2019

Awhile ago I wrote a long piece about how U.S. military violence is overwhelmingly counter-productive and self-endangering. The original intent was to present some non-moral arguments for nonviolence. So like, even if you think the most important thing is to look out for yourself, you should still reject all calls for military violence that aren’t accompanied by overwhelming empirical evidence that the violence is necessary to deter an imminent, direct threat. Which is to say, you should reject every call for military violence we ever hear today.

At the time I posted it, the Trump administration was talking a lot about attacking Iran, so I re-contextualized it to address that. Also, it’s hard to be totally amoral when talking about these things, so there’s probably some morality in there.

You can read it in the publication Citizen Source, here: https://medium.com/citizensource/six-reasons-for-rejecting-war-with-iran-c22a2bebecd6

