Sound Money: What It Is, Why It Matters, & Why Three Thought Leaders Believe Bitcoin Is Our Path Back to Fiscal Sanity

Learnings from Jimmy Song, Saifedean, and Andreas Antonopoulos about sound money, how it pertains to Bitcoin, and insights on how crypto-backed loans can help you hold on to sound money.

Tony Cai
Atomic Loans
2 min readApr 16, 2019


A (legal) highway robbery?

Question: What if I gave you the opportunity to invest in an asset that’s loss 98% of its market value in the last century? How keen would you be to make that investment?

Well then sit down… I’ve got some bad news for you. Our current financial system has forced you to inadvertently do just that. But stick with us, because there are some unsung heroes out there, working to give your purchasing power a fighting chance, and in this article, we’re going to uncover these heroes and why they’re all-in on sound money via Bitcoin.

But first, let’s talk about exactly what that means.

Sound money — A brief explanation

Put simply, sound money is a form of money that is outside the control of any authority or government in the world. It is money that has a purchasing power determined solely by the intrinsic value attributed to it from the markets. Where easy money such as the fiat currencies that dominate the world today can have its supply expanded by the central banks and governments who govern them, sound money is hard and resilient against having its value inflated away over time.

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