5 businesses you should start if you have no money

Atomic Public
Published in
3 min readApr 18, 2024
Photo by Christian Velitchkov on Unsplash

Humans and Business:

Humans are born free. Due to this, they feel suffocated if they are living under any individual or institution. Since the existence of man till today, we have witnessed the freedom movements all over the world.

In addition to this, a job is a cage for humans. If not really or seeing the other side of the coin, we must say that it somehow affects the personality and growth of an individual. That is why, business is a more preferred form of earning bread and butter for the family.

In ancient times, people did not exchange goods with money but goods with goods. In favour of this, 5 businesses for the people who have no money are discussed below.

5 businesses for people who have no money:

1. Invest in yourself:

Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

People underrated this investment the most. As they find different companies to invest but forget their own selves to invest in. So, start investing in yourself from today. Whatever you do, do it with more passion, sincerity and depth. The next five years will tell you that this is the best investment you did years back.

2. Do freelancing:

Photo by Abhishek Rai on Unsplash

The best of the options to build a secure business is doing freelancing. Start selling your expertise to the world. There are many platforms that give you this opportunity to become freelancers. Just go to Google and type:

“Best websites to do freelancing”.

It will take you to your pathway towards the destination.

3. Start Content Creation:

Photo by KAL VISUALS on Unsplash

In the world of AI (Artificial Intelligence), people need original content. They want to feel emotions that unfortunately AI is unable to give today. To heal people with your emotional content, start with your smartphone. Think of your content’s niche firstly. Discuss it with your friends. They will definitely help you to do it.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

4. Event planning:

Photo by MD Duran on Unsplash

This is what you can start in your educational institute and build some experience in it before doing it professionally outside. Humbly ask the institute’s administration and take permission to somehow hell to arrange an event. It will aid you to challenge yourself and observe your strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, you will be able to multitask which is a rare skill.

5. Start renting your things:

Photo by Alex Block on Unsplash

Yeah, you heard it right. Rent what valuable you own. For example, a friend of mine has had a business mindset since his childhood. What he does is that he rents his bicycle to the kids in the streets and earns money. Try this technique and earn some money to start something big.


In the end, listen attentively, no one will come to teach you how to do it. You have to make your own path towards your desired destination. Just stand up and take the first step.

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Atomic Public

Majorly English literature and minorly every topic. For contact and collaboration ifrahikram1123@gmail.com