An easier way to grow your followership exponentially an hour a day

Mary R.
Atomic Public
Published in
3 min readMay 15, 2024

Stop spending hours blogging, spend more time creating relationships.

When I started to grow my online following, I was unsure how to go about it. I was overwhelmed by people with thousands and millions of followers and was not even sure I would get one.

I decided to research about it and finally decided to go organic. In taking this decision I found an approach that helped me scale and it can be easily copied.

So if you want to learn a different approach to growing your followership, you can use this method.

It’s easy to use and you don’t have to sacrifice all your time.

You can still do your 9–5 job, and spend time with your family.

It’s only investing an hour a day.

1. Begin with only 10 followers

You think like a lot of people you need a lot of followers to build your following.

And it can be depressing when you look at your following and it’s not growing.

It can be discouraging.

The first thing you need to know is that you are delivering value. Unlike in mortar business, this is an instance where the saying, if you build it they will come resonates. You need to create valuable content.

Start with only ten people you can identify that need what you are writing on. Write those names. Create your content and invite them to your page.

Remember to start with the content then focus on getting it to 10 people you know that will benefit from it.

To build this audience you need content.

2. Write Valuable Content

People love reading stuff they can identify with.

A Provide Value

You see you need to start with what you know, an issue you had and overcome, there are people out there that need it. And you have already identified 10 of those people.

Write about the issues you had. How did you feel during the issue? and how you finally resolved the issue. What worked and what failed?

People love to hear you are human, be real.

It’s like this; I had this issue, this is how I felt, I did to overcome it. You can use my approach for free.

You are offering free valuable advice. But before this time you have been posting valuable content for FREE.

These 10 people will see your post and will be curious. They will visit your page only to find more free valuable content. People love valuable content and they will start following you.

3. 10 more followers each

These followers also have people they follow or who follow them. You can visit their page, read their post, like and comment. But also read the posts of their follower, like and comment on at least 10.

You can pick a time to do this. I set a 3-hourly alarm on my phone to read at least 3 posts, then like and comment on them.

I make sure I pick people I want to attract. There is no need to focus on people I want to repeal.

These 10 people every day will also visit your page and find valuable content, and they start to follow you.

And you continue writing content daily. And you get more topics daily.

How is this possible?

Because you are seeing various comments

I was brainstorming on the comments.

By comparing the comments, questions, and readings with your experience, you gain a deeper understanding, you can give valuable content.

You can help your audience solve problems and they start to interact more with you, this attracts more of their followers to you.

4. Law of multiplicity

The more followers you engage with daily the better your chance of building your followership.

For every 10 followers you add, you can get 10 followers more from each.

Remain consistent and before not too long, the number of followers will be in the thousands.

Ensure you monitor the topics that engage your followers and do more of such content.

Be authentic. Be genuine.

Thanks for reading

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Mary R.
Atomic Public

Helping women over 45 years achieve fulfilment in life by providing them with relevant info and tips.