Atomic Public Is Open For Submissions.

Designed for Writers And Readers.

Daniel Teurtrie
Atomic Public


Screenshot From Author

Hello, My Name Is Daniel, and I am the founder of Atomic Public.

I’ve been writing on Medium for a while (2 months) and since my arrival publications have been a key place to get notice and practice my writing.

As a Writer, I love getting access to the best readers and quality audience.

As a Reader, I enjoy reading quality stories and not getting spammed by AI-generated content or cheap copy-pasted stories. I think we all want to read unique empowering content and not waste our time in search of quality on this platform.

This is why Atomic Public was created. (I named it after the book I’m reading right now: Atomic Habits )

It’s purpose?

Getting the best readers and writers connected. Creating a community where we value quality over quantity and everyone’s work is respected.

If you’d like to be added to Atomic Public :



Daniel Teurtrie
Atomic Public

Part-Time Writer +1,000$ month in 1 hour/day. Get my free writing course and more.