Curate and Conquer!

How to make sure you never get stuck for newsletter content.

Evan Kelly
Atomic Thoughts


Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash

These past few days have been so insanely hectic that sending a newsletter on Monday completely slipped my mind.

All the days have been blending together and yesterday felt like a Sunday.


When you’re 200+ issues in the habit around your sending schedule is pretty much solidified.

Nevertheless, I completely spaced.

Had it crossed my mind for even a second, I would have relied on my number one strategy.

Curating Valuable Content

When I’m in a crunch and stuck for time or content I usually can count on a few reliable sources.

Christina Piccoli

Jamie Northrup – Minimalist Hustler

Paul Metcalfe

Matt Brady

Mark Thompson

Joe Forrest

And a few other creators with similar interests.

If you run – or are launching – an atomic newsletter business, do yourself a favour and embrace content curation from day one!

You’ll be glad you did when life throws you a curveball. It always does.



Evan Kelly
Atomic Thoughts

I’ll show you how to launch and grow a profitable online business with content marketing and tiny emails!