Look Closer

Discovering True Beauty in the Depth and Details

Caleb kibet
Atomic Thoughts
2 min readJun 3, 2024


There is a difference between looking and seeing. True seeing comes from looking closer, from peering beyond the surface to discover what truly makes anything beautiful. Life, like each of us, is complex. If we only see the surface, we may think we are all the same. But the real beauty, the true essence, lies in the depth, in the details that are often overlooked.

Photo by Marc Schulte on Unsplash

Pause for a moment. What do you see when you look at me? Who do you perceive? When we converse, what do you truly hear? Are you listening, I mean, really listening?

Take a step closer, and you’ll start to see and hear me. In doing so, you’ll begin to understand me. Discover who I am.

Look closer.

Like cameras, some would capture different levels of detail depending on the power of the lenses one has and how zoomed in those lenses are. A broad-angle view is excellent and gives a broader view of society, people, or people.

To truly know someone, not just on the surface, but in their entirety, you would need a lens that allows you to capture and understand them. And once you have that lens, take a step closer. You’ll be amazed at the hidden beauty that lies beneath the surface.

Look a little closer.

