Use The WWH Formula To Write Anything.

I mean any writing, literally.

Atomic Thoughts
2 min readApr 10, 2024


Whoever you are writing to,

they’d read your words only in two cases:

  1. They are Entertaining.
  2. They are Informative.

Entertainment gives them much-needed laughter,

a break from stressful work. Whereas,

Information is the key to staying afloat in this digital era.

Photo by Yannick Pulver on Unsplash

Now, I am not an esteemed writer. BUT!

I read hundreds of books, thousands of articles,

millions of words in my entire life.

So, I recently came across a pattern in the

type of writing I loved reading.

The WWH Method.

  1. What is the article about? — The Entertainment/Information you provide

2. Why should the audience read it?? — The benefits the audience gets by reading it.

3. How do they use it??? — An example/proof of how it can be used in their way of life.

Example: This. Exact. Article.

Don’t get it? Allow me to explain.

The Title gives you the name/detail of what this article is about. i.e.;

The What.

Then, I gave you a little introduction to why an audience reads written content.

The Why.


This is how I present to you the WWH method.

The How.

So, use this to write better and reach more audience.

Thanks for reading! Good Luck.

If you like what you read, consider buying me a Cup of Chai here. I’d appreciate it. (The Medium Partnership Program is yet to come to India, so this is the only method I can try to earn any money online.)

Until next time, PEACE!!



Atomic Thoughts

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